Practicing gratitude

Day 23: Today I am grateful for my co-workers.

We just switched from Skype to Teams.  My boss is on vacation and my coworker is covering. At 11:15 I got a text to my work phone from her. At 11:39 I got an email. At 11:45 I got text to my personal phone to make sure I was ok. My Teams didn’t show me logged in since last Thursday. I didn’t have a vacation day schedule so was she was worried about me. I apologized and marked my time card for my absence. She was like it is totally cool I was just worried about you because I know you have had a lot going on. It is nice to be noticed and cared about.

That Zoloft is kicking my butt so I had actually fallen asleep. I switched it to bedtime so I hope that helps in a few days.

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