What is Abuse?

The different faces of abuse  

What Is Abuse? How Does It Happen? – Domestic Violence: It’s EVERYBODY’S Business

There’s a misconception among the masses, that abuse is only limited to physical violence. One couldn’t be more wrong.

Abuse comes in different forms. And, this makes it much more complicated to fight this epidemic. So, here are the key domestic violence categories you should know:

  • Physical Violence: Have your partner ever hit you? What about kicking or biting? Maybe they pulled your hair out of rage…No?!

If you have ever experienced such things or anything similar to that, you were abused. If you don’t take action, things might get severe. After all, you don’t want to live the rest of your life without a limb. Do you?!

  • Emotional Abuse: This is one of the most prevalent DV issues out there. And also, emotional violence is very subtle, that most people fail to even acknowledge it.

Here, the abusers will either abuse, threaten, accuse, or humiliate the victims. If you’re facing this, seek help. Or else, you may even develop Stockholm syndrome as well.

  • Sexual Violence: Does your partner frequently forces you to have intercourse?! Well, what about the sexual insults that they make about your body?!

Sexual abuse is quite a common type of DV that plagues millions of victims all around the globe. When you don’t do something about it, it might even lead to rape. You don’t want that, right?!

  • Control: Some abusers are obsessed with controlling their partners. Like spying on your phone calls and texts and not allowing the victims to go somewhere.

And, when you’re a victim of this behavior, it feels strangled and trapped. Doesn’t it?! Well, what are you waiting for?! Seek help and get rid of this.

  • Isolation: There are some weird freaks out there. And they like to torture someone by completely isolating them from the world.

If your partner doesn’t allow you to go somewhere or meet someone, you’re a victim of this behavior. When you don’t do anything about this, you will get yourself into a bigger threat.

What if your mate is planning on killing you and dumping your body?! People wouldn’t even know about it, since you didn’t come out of the house for so long.

  • Verbal Abuse: Gosh, this feels so bad. When the person you love humiliates or abuses you often, there’s nothing worse.

The perpetrator may also threaten to hurt you or kill your pets. They may also resort to name-calling or insults. Not talking to you without any reason also comes under verbal abuse.

  • Economic Abuse: You may not even know that you’re being a victim of economic violence. Your partner may block your access to bank accounts or credit cards.

And they might give you some classic excuses like safety and security. No, that’s not the issue here. They are exploiting you.

If your spouse stops you from going to a job, that also is considered as economic abuse.

  • Stalking: Who likes being stalked?! But, there are crazies out there that may be secretly stalking you.

When you know that someone’s stalking you, don’t you get scared?! They may physically assault you or even commit rape. To avoid such fuss, you better report it before it’s too late.

  • Gender Discrimination: Here, most of the victims are women. The reason is the good old toxic masculinity.

No one deserves to be treated differently because of their gender. Many abusers take advantage of their male privilege to get control of their partners or spouses. And, that needs to stop.

The rise of feminism is fighting this issue to some extent. To combat this fully, victims need to come out and report the incidents.

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