You’re a whole lot of special

I don’t know what message to receive from that? You worried about my drinking? We working on my daddy issues? Processing trauma from the ex? Challenging my thought process? Are you dangling carrots for me lol? WTF? All of the above?  Thanks for the update!  I have been waiting for that! I feel a little better today. I took 2 days off work, I needed a mini mental health holiday. I have to get sick apparently to take a break from being mom. I need someone to balance me out. These roommates of mine are annoying and won’t let me off the hook completely. I guess I could try to overlook that, it is my kid and my cat. I am a little off my rocker I don’t have time for these riddles. I have 2 more days to recover from this flu, I guess I’ll be messing around on Facebook and Bumble. I don’t know what else to do 🤷‍♀️ You know I think way too much! Why you pushing my buttons!! Rude!! 

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April 23, 2022

I think one of the biggest lies of this society is that thinking too much is wrong.  Certainly thinking too little has never been a success story, except for those firmly Balanced in the Way, right?  I mean we can all find the Flow once in a while where no thought is a joy, but aside from the occasional monk, who has time for that sort of spiritual ecstasy?  I think that thinking wrong, in any amount, is unlikely to have a valid or beneficial effect in the long run, but how does thinking Rightly, in any volume to include too much, hurt the Future or waste the Now?