Watching a movie and just chillin’…

I can’t say it is my fave but now we are watching a Jays game… against the Dead Sox… which basically means the Jays are toast. Well, they are toast period. Bc tomorrow, my Yankees are going to trample them solid.

So, today is turning out to be a better day than Friday and yesterday flew by so fast, it was over before I reckon it began? Friday, I don’t even want to go there.

I have an obsession with Ed Sheeran. He is a fucking cutie and his voice is good too. 



Yupp. 🙂 

I think stupid ol’ Aunt Flo is here. Just great. I don’t need her right now. 🙁

I have October’s expenses all lined up bc I totally fucked up with Septembers.

  • paying Julz back $80 
  • getting my pink Switch
  • getting personal care shit. (at least $100 worth… maybe more. I don’t want to run out in the dead of winter. I’m like a squirrel in that respect.)

That is what I am doing… and I’m sticking to it.




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