Lazy Day

Had a really cool day yesterday and did pretty much – not much.

Did start earlier than expected though as when wifey went to the loo about 3am in the morning she discovered one of our cats – Merlin – was home. He’d been missing for a few days. But this wasn’t new as he has been missing for days on end a few times over the last week or two. Well this time his collar and name badge were gone. Someone is trying to STEAL our cat. Geez – bloody low lifes. So that kept us awake till 4am thinking about that and so we decided to have a cup of tea and see if that could help us get some more shut eye. It did, so that was good.

Didn’t go to the gym yesterday, as we decided to head into town to watch a movie. We went to see The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. An absolute must see people out there in OD land. It is Swedish with English subtitles and an amazing entralling thriller. We Googled it and found that it was written by a guy called Larsson, who also wrote two sequels. But he actually died before any of them were published and then turned into movies. We went to the book store latter to buy the trilogy, but there were none left. So last night we went on line and bought them. Babe and I can’t wait to read them.

Naughty bit – in the movie I was stroking Babe’s inner thigh – she had a short summer dress on (remember its summer here in NZ!!). She appeared to be enjoying it as her legs parted a little- always a good sign!. I whispered to her how I really wanted to start stroking a little higher up, but guess I shouldn’t given she is still very tender round that region due to the operation. Sadly she agreed – but it was a nice fantasy – she agreed that it was definitely on the list for another time! Woohoo – can’t wait.

So we found a nice pub to grad a bite to eat and have a quiet drink outside in the sun and that pretty much whiled away the afternoon till it was time to do some food shopping and head home.

Oh and got another wonderful HJ from my babe last night as she told me a wonderful fantasy story. Geez, she should really write Erotica stories that woman – she is just the best.

So today, I’m home from the gym – and yes Rambo was there again (jerk) – babe had a breakfast of poached eggs on toast ready for me. My Fav! So now after a bit of on line catch up, it’s outside to get back onto the bloody house again. I just can’t wait until I finished painting it. I really do not enjoy it, but hell it has to be done and I can do it and I am outta work, so I guess I shouldn’t pay someone to do it – but hell I’m tempted! Guess I’ll while away the time by thinking of horny thoughts about wifey – that always works for me. 

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December 29, 2009

Movies are fun places to eat popcorn out of unexpected oontainers. 🙂

December 29, 2009
December 29, 2009

hey, I read ur 5 answers…very interesting. I have to say that i agree with a comment someone made about how its so wonderful how u speak about ur wife…its refreshing. Glad u had a good time at the movie and im sure u will def enjoy the next one ;-). Its great that u and ur wife have such an amazing relationship!!!! What kinda people would steel someones cat??? geeze ppl. have a gr8 1!!

December 30, 2009

RYN: Yes, his dad is still in his life and pays child support every month. Its not very much, but he does keep up with his responsibilities. We actually get along very well and I love his wife! She’s an angel.

December 31, 2009

I sometimes want him to bend me over…not so much work his tongue. Im a big fan of giving and not so much recieving (im malfunctioned that way) i usually focus on all the negative aspects of it and cant relax. But i would very very very much like him to bend me over…often too lol. Im sooo bad!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Hope its a year filled with nothing but the best!!!

December 31, 2009

I love it! Yes, Rambo (& Rambonettes) at the gymn! They are better than watching a comedy…LOL So it’s New Year’s Day NZ and 6:30 in the morning! Well hope your New Year’s Eve celebration went well.

A great way to pass the day 🙂 I’ll be looking up those books as well, now you have me intrigued. Happy New Year! 😀

You make the movie and the books sound so intriguing, I will be googling when I get done here 🙂

January 21, 2010

Ah, yes, the fantasy talk during sex! I’m probably reliant on it.