The Cooke Legacy 0.1 – When it rains, it pours…

And both of my sims Leigh-Anne in the foreground, and Julien in the background, love playing in water in a t-storm… ಠ_ಠ Don’t ask why though. That’s Maxis logic for you.
Julien is a cook obviously, bc his bio says so… and it happens that Leigh loves black haired cooks! Yay! When I was making her in CAS, I had Julien in mind for her hubs. 🙂
They got along famously…
As Jase Robertson so aptly put it, “There’s no need to hunt, you’ve already trapped my heart”
They fell hard for each other. 🙂 <3
Forgot the fuzz but Julien looks a million times better.
They had a set of fraternal twins! Woohoo!
Frankly I am picking Soren as the heir bc he looks like a young Nick Carter… 😛
Love him! 😀
So.. watch this space beloveds.
Is this Sims 4? I used to be a huge Simmer back in the day. I miss it so bad. I would sit and play all day and night downloading installing etc… Sims 3 was my favorite going on safari and bringing back artifacts. I bought a laptop just for the use to play games and maybe start writing. I dont know. I was told I have to buy an external hard drive for my sims though. I miss them so much! Is that weird?
Have a good day!
@alluringnorthernbeauty love it!! i will look!!
@justholli1972 And if your computer can hack it:
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You change diaries like I change clothes!! Glad you friended me!!
@novembercirese gigglesnort Ikr?
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