Furloughed from Job…but it’s ok 🙂

So, this past Thursday…my job had to furlough me for the time being, as my county went “RED” for COVID-19. Allegedly, there’s another rise of people affected by the virus; therefore my job had to cut me and 12 more restaurant servers down to 0 hours until they can open again.
I’m not going to lie, I was very upset. My husband was also furloughed and we had been on unemployment…and it’s barely getting us by.
However, after praying and power walking (aggressively) in my neighborhood 😅 lol….I feel at peace. I have a feeling things are going to be ok. I’m not depressed, anxious…nothing. Just content and hopeful for the future.
I’ve decided that I want have a different mindset. Maybe take the opportunity to complete tasks that need to get down…like more organization in my tiny apartment that I started a little while back (lol).
At this point, this year has taught me to think positively. With the pandemic and everything else going on…I can’t let it get to me.
I’m honestly in a good mood, despite me and my family’s situation. I’m just praying for God to provide all me and my families needs.
Well, I’m looking onward in a positive light. I’ll write soon! 🙂. Take care and God bless!