Having Hope…

Well, I am much better today.

I can’t let this whole situation, with the affects of COVID-19, get to me.  I need to be strong … for the sake of myself and for my family.  I just have to tell myself that it’s all going to be alright.

I am hoping for a greater and better outcome after all of this.  That good things are going to happen.  Yes … it sucks that it’s happening and that it’s affected my family in some way … but I can’t get discouraged and lose my trust and faith in Jesus for what’s happening in this current time.  I can’t doubt.

This morning, I did a biblical lesson from the church I belong to.  I had done the lesson before, but it was a good reminder and I felt so much peace afterwards.

Due to everything that has been happening in my own life, before the pandemic … I haven’t been focused on anything spiritually related.  And I have been having more panic attacks, anxiety, and depression that have been ruling over my life.  It’s affected my thoughts and it’s taken a toll on my physical health also (more severe migraines, for example).

After everything that has been happening, globally … it’s made me want to appreciate the things that I do have and be encouraged and optimistic about the future.  The only way I can make it is through Jesus.  He’s helped me overcome many obstacles after I got out of my abuse over 16 years ago … can’t stop relying on Him now. (Definitely NOT now).  Just got to leave everything negative and toxic in the past and pray for many blessings in the future.

Well, that’s all for now.  I’ll try to write more later ☺️.  Take care all and God bless.

Much Love Always,



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