I Need A Goal

Something I can strive for and work towards. I have no idea what it should be. It’s very difficult for me to think about long-term goals and then work towards them and it always has been. I just don’t know how to do day-to-day bullshit while working toward something. It’s been even harder being a caregiver. That occupies so much of my daily routine I just don’t feel like I have space for something else even tho I end up watching a lot of tv and doom-scrolling Twitter/Instagram/FB/etc. I read some books on “habit stacking” and it made sense to me and I did find success while I was actively doing it but as with everything else I stopped doing it. How the fuck do people stick with stuff like that and build on it while managing “real life”?

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November 12, 2022

Interesting concept! Another one that this reminded me of: have you heard of Kaizen? It sounds like it goes well with habit stacking. The basic concept is that if you make little tiny changes consistently they add up to big ones really fast. What if you took 5 minutes a day out of doom-scrolling to do something that you might look forward to every day? You could with 5 minutes a day doing something towards your goal and if that is manageable build up to 10, 15, etc. Notice if you start to feel different about having time and space for it once you’ve worked on it even for a few minutes for a few days in a row. You might find you actually feel like you have more space for it once you start doing it consistently and make it a habit.

November 14, 2022

@willowoceanseed I’d come across the word but really hadn’t looked into it..Thanks for bringing it up, It definitely seems like something I could do. A big barrier for me is feeling like I have devote hours and hours to whatever it is I’m looking to do which then becomes overwhelming leading me to fall back to tv or social media.