Rituals and Me … and Other Stuff

I’m very much a creature of habit. If you’ve seen my last post about thinking it was Saturday on a Friday that’s a prime example. I worry that I get too caught up in these little rituals. If I don’t go to a coffee shop on saturday and/or sunday I just feel … off. It’s hard to explain but I don’t want to slip over to the obsessive side of things so sometimes I think I should skip it some weekends but I just really enjoy it and it’s the only days that I actually have any caffeine. I dunno. I’m going to keep doing it b/c it brings me joy.

I’ve been struggling on how to use the OD platform. My initial post said something about just doing brain dumps here and I thought that meant just writing and not reading other people’s entries but I’ve found I read a few people on the regular so I’m adjusting my thought process on how I’m using this platform and I’m going to try to interact with others a bit more but I’m not going to change the way I post. I still want to keep this anonymous for now, even though there’s literally nothing salacious as compared to what I post on my other socials 🤷‍♂️.

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