I’m sitting on my bed and waiting for breakfast…

As per usual, today is much better than yesterday; although it has just begun. I am just sitting in the lotus position like I do at times… my legs just curl up like that automatically at times. 🙂
So, hopefully the windy weather has decided to leave us and we can go to Pik Kwik (we didn’t Mgo yesterday bc of all the bullshit?) so… I can get cash out and get some Coke Zero… as I’ve been craving this for awhile.
My iPad needs charging. I put it to charge last night but I guess it didn’t… for some reason, I think it’s bc I have it on the USB charging unit when it should be on a regular charger. I also need to change the month on the calendar, as it’s still on February.
Mother’s (as opposed to Maman) birthday is this month. St. Pat’s Day. She is a Pisces and tbh the only Pisces I seem to get along with is Julz. :/
Go fig eh?
I will take my 3DS and take more pix today. You know, those pix, that I have on previous entries? They are taken with the DSi app on my 3DS. See, my console is jailbroken, so I can sideload DSi apps (like the camera?) onto it. Anyone with a DSi (or just the app) knows wtf I’m going on about. Today, it’s all about the Switch… and I have one of those too… but… call me what you will.. I just like the retro vibe of the DSi, and 3DS. Well, my roomie is up, so… maybe I should get a start on my day too? Starting with the iPad and then the calendar then breakfast… oh and my insulin jab too.
@joyfulhope 😉
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Have a great day, Sammy! Delayed response: Yes, Type II diabetes can be controlled by diet and exercised and, in my case, reversed. The same isn’t true for Type I.
@darkmadonna No I know, type one is a death sentence. TY ♥
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Do have a lovely day.
@wildrose_2 Thanks Kerry ♥
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