In hopes of this being an alcohol recovery blog... I think it might just be the opposite.

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  • Day 2
    November 5, 2019
    I did really well. I woke up.  I worked from 9-5. Then my partner went out ... and I turned down doing out with him because I didnt want to drink... and then I instantly drove to the liquor store and brought beer. I've had 3 in 20 minutes because I want to drink as…
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  • Asset 5
    Day 1 End
    November 4, 2019
    Well i did it. Its 9.11pm and I'm getting tired from a day of boredom and stress and making myself distracted every 2 seconds with horrible chores. My partner wanted to go out tonight... so I had to tell him that I'm trying to quit drinking and I dont feel comfortable going out because it'll…
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  • Asset 5
    Day 1 … Part 1
    November 3, 2019
    Its 11.16 and I've been up since 8am. First thought... coffee then beer. So I had my coffee. Then I had another coffee. Then i cleaned the house from top to bottom. I've literally done everything. And now its 11.16. And I'm sitting on the couch wondering what to do. I dont want to eat…
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  • Asset 5
    Its time
    November 3, 2019
    It's time to quit drinking. I'm 30 years old... and I've finally realised I have a problem. Actually i realized quite a while ago but never strong enough to address it. It's funny because I'm sitting in my car right now... drinking a 6 pack... telling myself it's time. Except I can't even put thi...
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