My personal documentation to better myself.

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Very close

November 29, 2024
Today, I attended my first ever session with my psychotherapist. We had spoken on the phone a few days prior and now have met in person. She was nice and welcoming and we began talking about my avoidance. I learned a few valuable things that I can take into consideration. Most notably, for me, th...
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Recent Entries

  • Break
    November 26, 2024
    I love days like this. Seriously, I do. Days where it feels like you have opportunity, where it doesn't feel aimless and miserable and you actually have a sense of direction; things just seem to go well, and I won't take that for granted. Obviously, not much has changed in the larger scheme of th...
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  • Out of control
    November 25, 2024
    I don't know if its just me, but sometimes I get these flashes. These flashes of pure blind rage, bitterness, pettiness, and helplessness mixed together. I still really don't understand what it is, if its normal for everyone to have that. I find that I mumble to myself during it, too. Or I keel o...
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  • Waiting
    November 24, 2024
    I think the hardest part about being alone is waiting. Waiting for the right time to say something, waiting for the right time to reach out. Sitting here, going about life the way I always have, it's not exactly difficult. The problem is not knowing what time is the right time. You don't wanna as...
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  • Wits End
    November 23, 2024
    Wits End I was looking for a public journal or diary because I wanted to share my feelings and frustrations about myself. I'm hoping that eventually this can be developed further and I can share this with those I love because as of right now, I am at my wits end. I am troubled, very…
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