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A year

December 9, 2020
Title sums it up pretty good. It's been a year. A year ago my husband of 22 years let know that he was transgender and was going to begin transitioning. This was the start of 2020 for me personally. At first, it was hard. But it was also OK and we were going to work…
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Recent Entries

  • Ghosts of boyfriends past
    May 3, 2020
    I'm sitting here trying to figure out where to even start. 2020 is really being the weirdest year for me ever. It's like the universe is looking down on me and saying,"Hey! You know how you always wanted to find out why things happened? And you remember that time you asked for clarity? Well, here...
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  • Aftermath
    April 25, 2020
    Did something very irresponsible.   Made out with the cute boy in a park. That is all. Carry on with your day.
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  • Bingo
    April 25, 2020
    It's hard to find the words to describe what is going on. It's not for a lack of words; there's an overabundance of them. It's because in the last 4 and half months my life has changed, the world has changed. First off, this social distancing, quarantine, stay home thing can just go suck rocks.&h...
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  • Acceptance and peace
    January 5, 2020
    The truth - when TS came out to me a month (!!!) ago, it was shocking. And I was so sad. I had no idea what my future would look like anymore. I was ready to pack up, move back to my home state and start over. I was expecting to go on to…
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  • Award season
    December 30, 2019
    The award for 2019 Dad of the Year goes to..... Listen in your head to the drumrolls...... Not my dad! Oh my dad. Yesterday was the big coming out day for TS and I. We talked to the in laws first. They handled and accepted it really well. It was like we told them we…
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  • Goth girl gone wild
    December 28, 2019
    I am 47. OK, technically I am still 46 but my birthday is next week and I might as well get used to saying 47. As I was saying....I am 47. The spouse (henceforth to be known as TS) and I have been together 22 years. We never had kids. We do have a cat.…
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  • Holidays make me edgy
    December 22, 2019
    I hate the holiday season. It's stressful. It's not as jolly as the commercials claim it to be. It's an area on the calendar that is weeks of metaphorical pain. PAIN! I have to admit that I bring this pain on to myself because my M.O. is that I don't start shopping until Christmas Eve.…
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  • Next
    December 19, 2019
    The response I received on my first entry was amazing. I thank everyone who read and commented in such a supporting and accepting way. This hasn't become easier. We both have found therapists. Different therapists. I know that this will be a good thing for my own mental health because I need to w...
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  • The first one
    December 15, 2019
    I am trying this on for size. I don't know how confident I feel in sharing. There is a reason for starting this writing project. I just don't know why I want it to be public but at the same time do it with complete anonymity. I think it's a way for me to reach…
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