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I’m doing well

February 12, 2022
Dear ____, In the off chance you visited this, I know you are likely happy with your man. I know I was a dick in the past. I deserve your anger for it, but I also deserve some forgiveness after all this time. I'm still hard headed as I was then on politics, but you…
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Recent Entries

  • How can I wake you…
    June 5, 2021
    I hear you speaking in your sleep, Clearly dreaming, Of better days, As a smile begins to creep, Of fleeting memories, Of where you once knew, The view is sweet. How can I wake you? (How can I wake you?) When you smile in your dreams, I deal with harsh reality, The world and all…
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  • The Snowy Haunting
    April 5, 2021
    Had a dream last night that me mom and brooke were driving in the thick snow at night in the van. We apparently had left home and we weren't going back to dad. Mom I guess had learned some things about the local area and knew that she could trick some single widowed woman in…
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  • Catching up from so far behind…
    January 13, 2021
    It's been a long time, I haven't written on this page in 15 years. I wonder if anyone will ever see it anymore. Nobody knows to really look for it except for Kody and Kait. Kody never will, Kait might someday if she still cares at all. But she'd never tell anyone anyway, she's got…
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  • 9/6/05
    September 5, 2005
    bri wasn't at school today, and salina was on chris again, u have no idea who these ppl are but wtvr, for the jist 2 of the 3 are my friends. I almost missed jade today, but I caught her so yay! she's cool. I also saw ally which was cool. um.... yea and lidsey…
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  • graphics?
    July 30, 2005
    hi. does anybody kno a good place for web graphics.... preferably on the open diary. also something with a lot of evilish graphics...and plz no stuff w/ jesus or god, or anything w/ religion. thanx fer helping!
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  • seth
    July 30, 2005
    hi. sometimes I feel like this guy... but yea whatever...
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  • 7/24/05
    July 23, 2005
     cool images glad I could get them in here 5                                               &...
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  • ok here it is
    July 23, 2005
    Since you don't know me yet I am 14 I live in michigan and I write poetry and stories. mostly poetry, and when I say poetry I mean songs too. me, i'm here to say america sucks. our valuse have been lost since we began. there ain't no freedom. but what ever I am only…
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  • 7/24/05
    July 23, 2005
    hi. important question... how did superman(comic book one) die?
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