28 year old dog mom & high school teacher

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In Neutral

December 9, 2018
I feel like a car in neutral: running, but not going anywhere on my own accord. This week felt tense. On Tuesday Sam nearly had a break down and vented to me for over an hour. I didn't say much because I thought that would be more helpful. I just let him vent, but part…
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Recent Entries

  • Dumb feelings
    December 2, 2018
    I returned last night from a conference in San Antonio and I'm exhausted. I never want to go again and honestly I hope our new principal next year won't fund it so that I can have an excuse not to. I've tried to find the positives, but the only good thing I have is that…
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  • Patronus
    November 25, 2018
    The chapters my therapist sent me describe a process called 'resourcing,' which is basically just thinking of a happy thought and expanding on it so that it's a fantasy-memory. Toward the end of the chapter it compared it to casting Expecto Patronum which I loved, of course. I figured I would put...
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  • Saturday
    November 25, 2018
    I either got food poisoning or a short-lived virus yesterday. I went with Sam to have lunch with his friends, which was fine,  and then we ran a couple errands afterward. I felt a bit nauseous as we were out and about but I ignored it long enough to get through errands and then came…
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  • Solitude
    November 23, 2018
    I don't know how to describe how unhappy I am. It feels like a heavy blanket over my shoulders. When I'm at work and in front of kids the blanket feels lighter and I barely notice it, but when I leave it's there again and it's heavier when I'm home with Sam. It's so hard…
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  • Surprise!
    November 19, 2018
    I can't believe Open Diary is back? My diary was attached to my old email so I never saw a notification if there was one, but I'm both incredibly shocked and happy right now! Even better: all my old entries are here! I had saved them when OD shut down, but they've just been sitting…
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  • I still have a job
    September 29, 2012
    Oh goodness. So last Wednesday a really shitty thing happened at work. This guy came through my line, bought a really petty purchase, and handed me a $50 bill. He then asked me to make change. So I did because usually I don't have a problem making change for people. But then he asked me…
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  • Shearlock
    September 22, 2012
    So, last week was thrilling. I didn't mention it in my last entry, but on Tuesday our toilet backed up. YEAH! I hate the water valve thing on the toilet because I can never tell if I've turned it off all the way. It's really stiff, so even if it feels tight, it's open. Lame.…
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  • Hiking not reading
    September 19, 2012
    Last Friday after class I took Isabell on a hike around Marshall Mesa which is just Southeast of Boulder (is it still part of the city??) and over near where I lived two years ago. I wish I had gone when it was still a bit green, but it was also nice not to have…
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  • An efficient time waster
    September 15, 2012
    The house is messy, my room is messy, and I have three loads of laundry in the dryer because I keep forgetting to take the last one out before they get all wrinkled. Shoot.  I saw Paranorman on Wednesday with Meghan. We got together after class at the Dark Horse, had sandwiches, picked up Is...
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