Journals are not something I have ever stuck with but I enjoy the release I get from writing in one. I am loud and xrated. I am raw and real. I actually am quite nervous about exposing myself like this but I think it shall be a fun exercise. We'll see. :)

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Fat Girl on a Plane

May 19, 2018
I've not flown in 10 years. The last time I flew I was going from Los Angeles to New Orleans for work. I boarded at LAX and waited the two hours between flights at Phoenix International. They called the next rows for boarding and that was me. I shuffled through the line and got to…
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Recent Entries

  • I’m only happy when it rains.
    May 14, 2018
    Though that is a great song, I really am my most at peace and happy when it is raining. Now there is the exception to the rule: when it is TREACHEROUS weather then I am not digging it. It started off a little cloudy and as the day progressed so did the darkness of the…
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  • The Day Everyone Pooped
    May 11, 2018
    I have to laugh at today's apparent theme... pooping. I got a text at 4am (not an unusual time) from my bff Nan saying, "Remember me saying I couldn't shit yesterday, well I can't today either and it hurts! I'll call you later!" Then I got a picture text from my friend Jen of this…
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  • I Finished His Obituary Today – Enclosed
    May 10, 2018
    He's been gone for almost three months now. I just couldn't find the words to describe someone's life in past tense for someone I couldn't believe was dead. Coming home each day to a quiet house is miserable. Cooking and eating alone makes the food lose it's flavor. The only thing that would ease...
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  • Asset 5
    An Orphan’s Tale
    May 10, 2018
    I was so blessed to have my parents as long as I did considering their health issues. Mom passed away on 05/13/03 after battling kidney failure for 30 years and having been on dialysis for 10 years. I just lost dad on 02/21/18. He had a horrible last three months so I am glad that…
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  • Guilt, guilt; go away…
    May 10, 2018
    I am not one for sharing much but I have recently been having some out-of-character behaviors and know that I need to vent or this heart of mine will not heal. I spent three fifteen years with my dad and I as BFF's. The last seven years I lived with him. The last three months…
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