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So I dare to ask, where is your creative genius hiding in?

August 6, 2024
Elizabeth Gilbert once said that she has to write everyday, in order to see if she magically comes up with something worth writing about. That it's more like work for her, and at times the creative genius comes out to work with her too, and other times it doesn't. I'm bored. I've probably been bo...
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Recent Entries

  • Just to feel the safety of Freedom.
    April 8, 2024
    Every so often I decide to look back and do a "Year in Review" for my life. I like to see where I was a year ago, and check-in to see where I am now. Still suffering this same dreadful parts of life? Or have I now matured into another level of light or darkness?…
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  • Moments in life, not just people in life.
    March 26, 2024
    I really hate needy people. Needy things, or things that don't leave you alone just to get your attention. Today, it felt like there were so many things in my way of even trying to conquer any small goal today. I actually did not even have a desire to compose of a goal today. But…
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  • Are You My Mother?
    March 2, 2024
    There's this children's book called "Are You My Mother?" that I woke up and was thinking a lot about today. For about the past two years, who knows maybe even longer, I've been thinking about this book. Like the true meaning behind it, and what meaning we put behind it. It's about a bird, who&hel...
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  • Move on, without you.
    January 18, 2024
    Sometimes, after completing all the tasks that I have made for myself, I seem to notice that there is so much open and empty space. So much open and empty space within myself, of myself. I don't realize that this is because I have given so much of myself to projects, tasks, accomplishments, and o...
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  • The logic and the artist stood shoulder to shoulder.
    December 21, 2023
    We rode in a car together. Him in the front seat, me in the back seat. We spoke about life and it's up's and downs, and how different we were, yet we both appreciated the feeling of being free. We spoke about being free in different words, different dialects, and almost felt like different langua...
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  • The theory of silence, and the beauty to live a life worth writing about. 
    December 11, 2023
    The theory of silence, and the beauty to live a life worth writing about. Sometimes I, I fear, that I would never write a book. Never write, and then never publish a book. See, when it comes to love, I hide my love so deep. So deep that you won't see, that you can't…
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  • Sagittarius New Moon on 12/12
    December 7, 2023
    Sagittarius New Moon 2023 ..."First off, fuck your bitch and the clique you claimWestside when we ride, come equipped with gameYou claim to be a player but I fucked your wife.." -2pac "Hit 'Em Up" ... There is nothing more that brings Sagittarius energy than anger, shit-talking, and table-flippin...
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  • The Little Bronze Coat
    November 28, 2023
    There was a time when you were small, and you were told to put on a big puffy coat to keep the cold out and to stay warm from the elements. Your parents bought it for you, and sometimes you loved it, and other times you were embarrassed of it and didn't want anyone else…
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  • Art – a love affair or a connection with God?
    November 18, 2023
    Last night I pushed myself to go to a gathering with coworkers outside of work.  In spite of my true-to-self ideas that it was probably going to be a waste of my time, I went anyway. I heard myself as I gave out all my reasonings as to why I didn't want to go, it…
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