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all I know is I was lucky you were mine

February 9, 2025
My title isn't directed at anyone in particular, I just have that Forest Blakk song in my head ('cause it was just playing in my headphones).  Such a emotional song and video, jeez. Hi!  If you're not aware, I am a walking pile of emotional flesh, bones, and titanium plates.  I process my world t...
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Recent Entries

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    February 8, 2025
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  • the Swiss cheese behind my eyes needs assistance
    February 4, 2025
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  • nofa king whey!
    February 3, 2025
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  • you lift me up
    February 1, 2025
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  • my love for you climbs over and over and over and over *pants edit*
    January 29, 2025
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  • amen, I am alive
    January 28, 2025
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  • *grooves to some music for relaxation*
    January 27, 2025
    On the phone with Shannon this morning we realized together that it's just over two weeks until I fly down to see her and she let out a genuinely audible squeal and that's given me enough happy mojo to feel on top of this crazy-ass world all day long. I got another chance to "hack"…
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  • no phone call, but she explained why and it’s fair
    January 26, 2025
    Yo! The streak of speaking to Shannon on the phone ended at 55 days, but that's a good chunk of time and the only reason it ended is because she didn't want to feel like she was butting into Ashley and I's time even though I explained to her that Ashley liked hearing her voice…
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  • ahhh, I think I know what I’m doing!
    January 23, 2025
    I've written two other entries this evening in two of my other writing spots on the internet and each one has given me a different insight into how I'm processing my world so I bet a third spotlight shining on all that is Jake can't be too bad of a thing, eh? Shannon and I…
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