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June 6, 2021
I just need someone that I can talk to that will listen and not be judgemental. I don't feel like there's anyone I can talk to because in the past I just got told to quit complaining about my problems or to suck it up or to quit being so dramatic,  etc. My sister made…
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Recent Entries

  • Disappear
    December 9, 2020
    If I could just disappear and vanish forever, I would. I dont necessarily want to die, but I'm also tired of living. I'm tired of feeling like such a loser and wondering why I was ever born. All I do is disappoint people and get told everything that I'm doing wrong. Nothing I do is…
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  • Feeling Down
    September 13, 2020
    Just one of those times where I'm feeling down and depressed again. I feel like I can't do anything right and just mess everything up. I don't know why I was I ever born. I hate my life but I know that it could be a lot worse, so then I feel shitty because I…
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  • Job
    August 10, 2020
    Sometimes I feel like I can't do anything right. Today at work, I practically got told everything I'm doing wrong and that I lack common sense. Well, excuse me for doing what I was told to do. I was told to constantly be cleaning and can't just stand around. I need to always be doing…
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  • Chest Pains
    June 15, 2020
    I've been having chest Pains lately on the left side. I've had issues with getting Costochondritis every year (sometimes a couple different times) for the past 7 years. It always starts off the same with little sharp needle pains. I don't have to be doing anything really, and my chest will start ...
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  • Depressed
    May 7, 2020
    Just one of those nights (I guess technically morning now) where I'm feeling down and depressed. I don't  know what my purpose in life is or why I was ever born. I've always been made fun of and bullied. I've always been used by people and never had any true friends or relationships. I guess…
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  • Realization
    April 11, 2020
    As always, I have my ups and downs. Lately I've had more downs than ups, but I think I realized something tonight. I've always been a pack rat and my room has always been cluttered. Even my desk at work is kind of cluttered. I refer to myself as messy organized. It might look like…
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  • Asset 5
    Feeling Down
    February 5, 2020
    They're times, like right now, where I feel like I'm not any good at my job and like I can't do anything right. I'm also afraid of possibly losing my job due to some things going on (including coworkers going behind my back and saying things that make me sound bad to my boss). I…
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  • ??
    September 11, 2019
    They're times that I just get really down and depressed. I start to wonder if anyone would even miss me if I were gone. I feel like such a failure and like I can't do anything right.
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  • Question……
    July 4, 2010
    How do you trust someone when you've been hurt so many times by so many other people? I know it's not fair to treat someone based on your experiences with other people because they may actually be different, but it's so hard for me to trust people since I have been screwed over in some…
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