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Epiphany about myself

November 13, 2022
I was listening to a podcast about attachment and how we obsess about people and why we do this. This has been a pattern in all my relationships. As a child/teenager my mom was very controlling. She controlled me in almost every day to day things, food intake, grades, clothing and friends I had, ...
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Recent Entries

  • Putting myself on the piedestal
    November 3, 2022
    All my life I put all others ahead of myself. I wanted always to be loved-at home and out of the home. The problem was that I never knew how energy worked and how this repelled the ones I was "running after". This last situationship with Anders helped me see how detrimental this is. I…
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  • Epiphany
    October 28, 2022
    Ok hear me out. I have been trying sooo hard to let go of this man or situationship I am in for over 10 months now. The guy is like not responding to me and I am so sad and just want to let him go. Then something came into my mind as I tried…
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  • The day I let go
    October 12, 2022
    I have always had a big fear of letting go of things, mostly people. I have been in this push-pull situationship with a man these last 9 months, not a good thing. When I ask myself what has he given me my answer is nothing. Only words no actions what so ever-none. He seems like…
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  • everything that is meant or you will come
    September 9, 2022
    This concept is not easy to comprehend in our ego. We usually try to attract things that we want by means of thinking about them obsessively and this does not work out. Things that are menat for me will come no matter how long time, distance or obstacles are in the way of your manifestation.…
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  • Don’t look at the 3D for your manifestations
    August 17, 2022
    Always look inside you for things you want in your life. We all create our realities, this is what I have been working on for many years. Its still rather challenging to believe this as our minds are programmed from childhood not to think this way. I did an experiment last week. I wrote down…
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  • Manifestations list
    July 31, 2022
    They say you need to make a scripting of that you want to have/attract into your reality so here it goes: I am living by the sea in a big house/apartment I am working as a designer again I am married to my dream man AW I am my true and best version of my…
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  • Dream of bus ride with my husband
    July 25, 2022
    I dreamed of a bus ride with my husband ad his son. We were among many people on the bus. I have no idea where we were headed but the feeling of being with him was perfect. The last week of summer vacation and we wanted to go om a weekend get away only the…
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  • Manifesting my new life
    May 31, 2022
    So I've been reading and listening to life coaches a lot lately. They all say one thing in common-you need to change your mental state or mental health. My life as a child was filled with insecurities and put downs by my family, mostly my mom. Telling me I was fat or that my stuttering…
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  • Day 4 (missed day 3)
    May 25, 2022
    Well its gotten harder, my ego has been nasty. It reminds me at times that he don't want me or has no interest in me. I needed to really meditate last night, I cried and talked to God to tell him my dreams.It was like a roller coaster of emotions. I'm trying so hard to…
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