Friday 5/13/22

6:34am I’m above the dirt. I had a good night. The aides put me to bed at a decent hour. Before that I spent the evening reading Desperation. i giant stop praising Stephen King This is one of his best novels with good scarry hearts. Surprisingly, I didn’t get nightmares from it. I went right to sleep after the aide put me to bed. Aides like me sleep in until 6:30 this morning.

I feel fairly good. I’m in very little pain. I got a good night’s rest. I had few incontinence episodes. Best part is I don’t have to wait very for breakfast. I hope I get coffee with it. Life is good.

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I’m in quarantine. I have Covid. 😩

May 13, 2022

@sambucathedestroyer I’m very sorry. You will recover I’ll be thinking of you