Sunday 8/7/22

9:00am I got to bed at a decent hour last night. Aide came in at 10:30 to put me to bed. Pain was very minimal so I slept well. I don’t o not have any weird  dreams or nightmares to report. Oh, I got great care last night. Aide came in frequently to change got up too early though. She came in at at 4:00. I got a nice sponge bath and she put some soothing lotion all over me.

I was in my wheelchair by 4:16. This was way too early for me. I slept in my chair until breakfast. I was still pretty sleepy. I vaguely remember talking to Chocolatechip on the phone. I wasn’t too with it . It was short but sweet and we said our goodbyes. I went back to sleep. I think I slept in my wheelchair until they served breakfast drinks.

They gave me two cups of black coffee and a glass of oj. Boy did that hit the spot. I swear there is something magical about that first cup of morning coffee and I had two. I felt like road kill but the coffee worked its wonders. Ij soon felt wide awake and above the dirt.

Breakfast was good. I’m not a ure person what I had. Menu Said it was French toast casserole and one oatmeal. They gave me double portions. I’d hate to have a single portion because tbreakfast was a so skimpy  must of been hungry so I ate it all

1:32pm I had a so so morning. I slept in my wheelchair a lot I didn’t wake up until lunch. I had chicken and dumplings with carrots and a dinner roll and grapes for desert. I wasn’t crazy about it but I ate it in all. Lunch really did a number on !e. I got good by are.Aide came right in to change me online y good thing about life uonch was the coffee. It was nice and hot.

Not doing so good right now. I feel a bit down. I e so depressed. All I know is I have a bad case it. It drains me? All I want to do is sleep. This makes for a shitty day.











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August 7, 2022
