Twice as tall

This is not one of my regular sad stories even when it’s DEEPLY a sad one. I haven’t made any post on here because I wanted to take time to reflect and make a difference again. Yeah I think I did. Made a new song that I’m excited about , I’m drop an album this year , my plan is to drop as much songs as possible and if I’m financially buoyant enough I can shoot a couple music videos. In as much I know and proud of the fact that I have the ability to put together and  to use compelling words, but this , I’m gonna try out out my voice and make sure my craft is in my lyrics because I don’t know who might be able to relate to my stories. I’m just gonna be real even if it’s not gonna give me a boost start, I believe in craftsmanship!

Ok the thing is , sad thing is that shoulda excite me more should be the two brilliant innovative ideas 💡 I was able to come up with( as brilliant as they are , my environment discourages me). It’s hard to find someone who would wanna invest in your ideas( even if they care to listen) it’s insane. Digital world and tech is scooping so much that I care to influence people financially through than I care about using my own personal voice to earn personal gains. It’s actually 2 well thought of plans , people around me think my ideas are too crazy but yeah I’ve always been an A+ student , and was actually the overall best student in my college years. The world is a big place, I love journals because I don’t know who might be reading this out there. But if you care to wanna know I’m trying to beat the Web3 before it globally emerges. I’m not a tech savvy, in fact I don’t know anything about coding. I believe In general knowledge, and I can explain in a lay man’s words to anyone who is serious enough to wanna listen to me!

Snap back to reality, I’m open to new opportunities and sharing of innovative ideas.
Another sad thing , I still have that dream of going to a music school in LA while I like in Nigeria without a dime but dreams and ideas 💡 crazy ? yeah! How am I gonna do it? I don’t know. That’s what’s journal’s for I guess.

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