
Hello there. sorry i have not been writin so much i dont have a puter at my house so i have to write when i am at work and at my rents house. i am very unhappy right now with everything my whole life. i just feel like i dont even know who i am anymore. i dont know me. i never get to do anytihng with anyone. only the ppl my boyfriend approves of and i dont like that. i am not allowed to talk to any of my guy friends. cuz he thinks they all just wanna do me. and it makes me so mad i hate it. i went out with this boy once for 6 years and now i am not even allowed to talk to him. and it sucks cuz obviously i am always goin to have some love for him and i wanna be there for him in his hard times cuz were still good friends. but with my boyfriend i cant have any friends. he wants to spend every minute with me every day. and i cant deal with it. and his two kids drive me crazy. and he is the biggest whiner complainer ever he is 25 years old and acts like he is about 16. i just cant deal with it. i wanna be able to hang with other ppl and not get in trouble for it. i dont tell him what he can and cant do so i dont expect him to tell me. ya know. well i better get back to work ttyl.

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