Wow things just keep getting better.

Well well well, ok a few weeks ago my ex boyfriend whom i went out with for like 5 years, i found out he has been seeing this girl that we graduated with who is just a slut and i hate her guts. so of course i am not thrilled but then he decides to tell me he thinks he is in love with her. and now they are movin in together right down the block. i am so angry cuz obviously i still have feeling for him and i know how she is. i have seen her screw over many of my friends. and now him. she wont even let him talk to me ever. she totally ruined me and my friend lloyds friendship when they were together. and i hate the fact that i just have to sit back while he makes the biggest mistake. Its like i used to risk my relationship with my boyfriend now just so i could make sure chase is alright and still be his friend and stuff and now he doesnt even care that he will not be able to talk to me anymore and that he is goin to lose all his friends over this dumb girl. who is not any thing. i know it wont last  cuz she is like that but come on. i wish they would have moved to where she lives not one block away from me. Geeze.

  and then i was suppose to get my period to day and i didnt so i am just freakin i will die if i am. i will have to run away. i cant face my family and my boyfriend cannot support another kid. he cant. i am not having sex anymore man. it scares me too much. its not worth being so worked up every month for. i am prepared tho. i have tons of baby clothes and bottles and bibs. i dont want to be tho. i am too young. but i better go leave me a note thanks

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July 11, 2005

hey, thanks for the note peace*