Tortion Follows Sassy

In September 2012, I had to take my cream and white male hamster, Tortion, in for sudden hair loss.  The vet gave him shots for mites, and his fur gradually grew back.

On Sunday, November 4, 2012, I noticed the hamster with a swollen face, so I took him to the vet along with Sassy.  He had also been drinking and losing much water for awhile.  At the vet, we eventually saw that Tortion’s whole body was swollen.  The vet gave him a shot and prescribed medicine for his eyes.  He also said the hamster probably had kidney problems.

Tortion’s swelling went down, and I applied the medicine everyday as instructed.  On Thanksgiving Day, I realized that Tortion had lost much heat and was barely moving, so I knew he was near his end, which happened the next day.  He had been with me for about 21 months.

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