I was a child bride marrying a child groom
Most of our marital problems stem from the fact that we were children when we married, and so were our parents. Therapy dude tells me we fight like teenagers. He’s not wrong. As much as I love him, my husband is judgy and a bully, but he doesn’t see it that way. He cannot change because he romanticizes his bullying ways and thinks himself wise.
Forty years on Sept. 1st. Here is our wedding photo, and a really bad selfie. Tiny champagne with strawberries.
You were SO young!! What a beautiful couple you are, then and now.
@darkmadonna thank you! That is so sweet of you to say.
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How old were each of you when you married? I was a child bride too. I turned 21 five days after we married. So young. I love your wedding photo. Time goes by so quickly doesn’t it.
@wildrose_2 I was 19, he was 21.
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I’m sorry that your marriage is so strained. I hope that things will change for the better down the road. Love the pictures!
@kotila Thanks
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My first husband & I were also way too young to get married (but of course we did.) It ended in two kids and a divorce, which was sad (but necessary.) Our culture tells us we’re adults when we reach 21 and maybe some of us are, but a lot of us aren’t and that causes so much unnecessary pain!
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