Soggy bags and a broken but fixable 3DS XL…

So, today was an eventful day. I went with Bees to Techbuy to get my game system repaired, and we met up with Gabby, Jotee and Zilpah at Timmy’s for a snack. I had a few pinwheels bc I was hungry and a blackberry yuzu drink, and I accidentally got it all over Bee’ purse… so, I gave her mine. I can carry my phone in my laptop bag’s flap pocket with Zil’s iPad which I am borrowing for now.
It was surprisingly nice for most of the day. I got some pictures, but I am going to take more… and upload them tomorrow at New D… by then, by tomorrow I mean, my 3DS XL should be ready… if not Friday. I can’t wait. I am more of a 3DS user than a Switch user. I like the games, and I like the fact that I can easily get the older games, rather than pay thru the nose for Nintendo Online?
Call me old fashioned… I know. I can hear some blue jays fighting over something, they are noisy birbs and are riling up the squirrels as I hear them chittering away too. Also, on top of this: we have a whole family of skunks living under the porch. Under our (Julz and myself) bedroom floor to be more precise.
And raccoons. The only things we don’t have (or need really) are deer and bears… not yet at least. ^^ I’d say knock on wood but that is inviting the dryads or evil spirits in. But holy shit.
And dogs, I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again. Our town’s nickname ‘New’bark’et’ is well deserved. We have a crapload of dogs, cats and what have you… pets galore as well as the local wildlife. 😛
Had my shower and am clean, but nothing else is happening. New D tomorrow. Nothing Thursday or Friday, defo nothing on the weekend. Sheri-berry will be here again Friday morning… y’know? We have a good rhythm here. 😀
I think it might rain later on tonight bc it’s getting dark… like as in cloudy?
No skin off my nose. I love thunderstorms. 😀 😀 😀
I’m going to read Huck Finn tonight, or watch a movie. 🙂
I love thunder storms as long as there are no tornados
@kaliko LOL Ikr??
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Skunks under the porch??? That’s awful! Dog has been sprayed a couple of times and he stank for days. I can’t even begin to imagine what that must smell like. Is someone going to come out and live trap and relocate them?
@elkay My brother got sprayed yesterday lol… yeah, Ry has traps that he has. But that doesn’t stop him or his dog Ollie from getting sprayed.
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Eeek on the skunks! I love them and they’re so adorable but it’s one smell I can’t take.
I had deer, bear and coyotes in my backyard. An occasional bobcat too. It was fun living in wild Kingdom 🙂
@ostara ROTFLOL!!!! Wild kingdom is right!! Bobcats? Like lynxes? Woah… the fact that they are there and the very real possibility of rabies is freaky!
@cemeterydawn no rabies silly! Just chillin! But yeah even had a beaver pond down the road 🙂
@ostara Cute! 🙂 Love beavers. They are the national creature of Canada.
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I’m glad you don’t have any bears, but skunks?! Eww. Sounds like a good day. Hope you get your tech fixed quickly and well.
@darkmadonna TY Cath. ♥
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Of course I had to go look up yuzu … I definitely need to get out more! And blackberry would definitely be the flavor of choice!
I have no idea what you’re even talking about — all those computer things. I’m lucky I know the difference between a Mac & a PC!😣😮
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