Crazy Sketches *pic* *E2 and more!


 I started feeling better and now I’m sliding down the other side into feeling crappy.

I found this:

I drew that on Monday when my day sucked.

I totally forgot.

ha ha, i’m crazy.

wazy wazy.

I need something to do.

I can’t write cuz the crappy nappy feeling won’t go away.

not a single soul is updating.

Ok, so maybe a few, but like… seriously… it’s been like an hour.


i’m gonna go draw more crazy pictures.

One hour of work left.

I did it all.

The result of 10 minutes of utter boredom:

I bet you didn’t know the secret life of your snack crackers (and obviously tortilla chips are crackers now)…

but now you know.

don’t even get me started on what a triscuit does.

and then! it gets worse!

 I don’t even have any words to explain this.

I just… don’t.

*e2: and so my cracker sluts made me eat some crackers.

and the first 4 were SO GOOD.

but second set of 7 was disgusting.

but I couldn’t stop eating them.

I have 15 minutes of the wretched terrible place left. I have hated work all week.

I’m so glad to have tomorrow off.

I hope to refresh and renew.

i guess that’s all for me today.

OD feels like a haunted house.

Log in to write a note

heh. crazy wazy? i may adopt that. cute for my 12y/o moments. interesting sketch.

zonkers. xx

February 4, 2010

Your banana’s yo

February 4, 2010

I just hope you never ever ever give your kids a hard time when you find weird pictures in their back packs…LOL

February 4, 2010

I don’t know what’s up with the string sketch, but I love it!

February 4, 2010

Lol @ wazy wazy. Ur too much. 😉 and crackers are sluts!!! Haha. Ryn: thanks for being the bestest cheerleader ever, with my p90x. U are the best. Thought ya should know.

February 4, 2010

amen. OD is a haunted house.

awesome sketches. 🙂 Chris

February 4, 2010

HUGS And amusing pictures!

February 4, 2010

Girl, you are crazy. In a good way. The BEST way, actually. Love ya to bits, cracker whore. 😉 xoxoxoxo

February 5, 2010

I never knew crackers had a secret life. I’ll have to watch mine a little closer…

Why is it that I *get* you? Should I be worried/scared/excited?

February 5, 2010

Your drawings were too cool. Made me want to eat crackers though *blink blink* I’m so glad you have another month of work. See, we’ll both be fine – we just haven’t figured it out for ourselves yet! 🙂 And get better soon so you can have lots of non-sick sex! Heh heh… xx

February 5, 2010


haha! Cracker sluts! YES!

February 5, 2010

Crackers with titties- I love it!

February 5, 2010

That wheat thin is pretty saucy. That’s good you are getting better!

February 5, 2010


String? String. Love the crackers!! I am doing a smililar thing with mints.

February 5, 2010

Now I’m hungry for wheat thins. Damn sluts

February 5, 2010

I love your doodles!

February 12, 2010

haha crackers

February 25, 2010

Oh hey! It’s a dizty Ritz!