Identity – Chapter 3



Ok, so here is yet ANOTHER store I’m working on. This one is a vampire story. You can find the first novel in this series called "Trigger" in my chapters (look at the area underneath my entry list, it should be there). The second story is called "Identity" and this is the third chapter. I haven’t posted on this story since December, but it would seem I had a chapter all done and read and never put it up! So here it is. 

Identity: Chapter 3




They could smell her, she was close.
"She’s moving again," the tallest of the three pursuers growled. He felt his senses reaching out for the trail of reddish heat that the queen was leaving as she traveled. He could almost see it swirling before his eyes in a softly glowing mist.
He looked to his right, the smallest of them glared down at his palms which were covered with tight leather gloves.
"Yes Vasser, they move quickly. It seem that they travel with caution, they know we are here, " He said looking up. His eyes glowed an eerie translucent white as he scanned the area around them.
The third stepped forward. He seemed to be smelling the air. He looked in the direction they had been heading and snarled. "Vasser, Eric, we must move. They are slowing and we can catch them. Move!"
"Yes Ivan." They said in unison.
Their bodies seemed to flash and then disappear, swirling dust and leaves the only sign of their presence. They too had been traveling for several days, getting close enough to sense the trail, but never getting close enough to close in and initiate contact with the queen. They were instructed to attempt her recapture without force. She was definitely not one they wanted to tangle with. She had incapacitated their master in such a way that they were still not sure if he had regained conciousness. They also did not want to harm their one chance of fulfilling the destiny that seemed to scream at the edges of their souls.
They ran for hours, fatigue failing to come in contact with their bodies. Their muscles seemed to gain strength and power the more they moved. When the light in the sky became bright they would stop, finding shadows and tight places to lay in wait until the moon rose again, allowing their full power to be realized. The Queen’s trail was still thick before their eyes, growing more prominent as they felt themselves closing in on the small group that had been so elusive. They knew that the her transformation was still in progress and there was sure to be something that would make them stop long enough to be overtaken.
"So close," Ivan whispered to himself. The red mist was almost pulsing with the essence of Claudia. He knew he would be the one to find her and return her to the villa. He would be rewarded and possibly given one of the first chances to mate with her and bring his own seed into the world. It would bring him much respect to have his child be one of the first. The motivation to be successful spurred him to move faster, slipping ahead of his teammates as his hunger for victory grew.
A dozen miles ahead of them, Claudia stopped. Her breath suddenly gone, her body wracked with unspeakable pain as her internal organs seemed to swell with bile and coagulated blood. Diana noticed instantly and was at her side beforer her agonized body could slump to the ground. She gently laid her on her side and searched through her backpack for a remedy that had been passed to her by one of the elders who was aware of their plan to escape. Jiraiya had pulled her aside immediately after the Trigger ceremony had ended.
"Her transformation is not complete. There is one last thing that will happen before she is able to fully realize who she is. Her organs, those she no longer needs because she is no longer human, will die. Her blood, it will not pump in her system without proper feedings and you will not be able to stop to do so for some time. She will suffer a great deal of pain. Give her a few drops of this, and then you must do something else."
The old womans eyes had searched her’s as if she was trying to ensure that Diana was ready for what would be expected of her. After she spoke, the almost alien phrases reaching Diana’s ears, she wasn’t sure if it would be enough. The young Vampira were always so scared of who they were, even if they didn’t show it. It had always felt like a mistake to breed with humans, to create a portion of their offspring that was mortal and fragile and full of fear. But there was no alternative, and as she pressed the cloth wrapped bundle into the thin palm held out before her, she just hoped that Diana would pull through and complete the ceremony. It should have been done within the confines of their villa, in a safe place with well trained hands and all the comforts that were available. But it was not to be. The first full blooded Vampira was forced out and had to suffer on her own.

Diana’s thoughts shifted back to the present as she watched her half sister writhe on the ground before her. The dirt was moist with a newly falling rain and the dark swipes of mud seemed to coat her face like some strange ritualistic make up. Alec swung back around and swept the perimeter with his eyes glowing intensely in the oncoming dark. It was not safe to stop here, but he knew that Claudiawould not be able to move.
"Maybe I should carry her," he said as he moved to her side. Her eyes were squeezed shut, her breath coming in quick rapid gusts. Her lips were turning blue and her skin had taken on an even paler shade than normal. She was almost translucent.
"We can’t move her. We have to finish." Diana took the top from the small vial and dropped a the silvery liquid into Claudia’s trembling lips. She coughed as the substance burned down her throat but her trembling body almost instantly calmed and her eyes parted slightly.
"Is it time Diana?" Her voice sounded sad and lonely, as if she felt completely isolated from them even as they held her hands and stroked her hair.
"It is… I’ll try to do it quickly, please forgive me."
"Hurry… they are near. I can tell now. They are coming…." Claudia looked over at Alec who had already stood up and moved into the brush that surrounded them. His body disappeared into the dense copse of trees and she looked back at Diana. "Do it."
Diana nodded, whispes of golden hair falling into her eyes as she looked down at the bundle that had been pressed into her hands. Slowly, she oped it, the light of the almost full moon instantly catching on the smooth silver surface of the blade that lay nestled in the fabric. The hilt of the knife seemed to dart prisms of rainbows in front her eyes as she reached out to the touch the diamonds that had been embedded along it’s length. She slowly lifted it letting the fabric fall away into the dirt.
Claudia grabbed her wrist, a feverish sweat breaking out on her forehead.
"Do it… please…"
Diana felt a strange heat flow over her body as she nodded and almost without thinking ripped open the shirt that had covered Claudias shuddering torso. With a quick flick of her wrist, she made a shallow slice into the pristine skin of her chest. It stretched from her ribcage down to her belly button. A ribbon of blood slipped out, crimson and almost black it slid in silky trails down her sides. with another motion, she opened the wound further. she gasped and fell backward as the bloated dead organs seemed to surge forth, squeezing out of the scar into the moonlight as if they were bouys bobbing in a blood red sea.
Her fingers trembled as she reached forward and plucked the blackish gray masses from the wound. The flesh was quickly healing and she didn’t want to have to cut her again. Four seperate masses were removed before the skin seemed to melt together leaving no trace of being cut to be seen.
"You got them all…." Claudia whispered, a blush of healthy color returning to her cheeks. She sat up and gingerly wiped at the dried blood on her skin.

Alec appeared at the forests edge. Urgency tensed his muscles as he spoke,

"We must move now! They will be here in moments!"

Claudia stood up quickly and followed him as he ran deeper into the trees. Diana looked down at the blackened masses she had just pulled from her sisters body. She didn’t have time to properly dispose of them. She kneeled down and with a whisper lit fire to the dead flesh. They blazed and filled the air with a thick bluish smoke. She heard the rustle of foot steps and quickly made her escape.

Three forms stopped, swirling in the massive amount of energy that was registering like lightning bolts by their heightened senses.

"It stops here, where did she go?!" Ivan screamed.

There was silence. They could not tell. The smoke seemed to be stopping their ability to track her progress.

Diana looked on from a perch in a tree. As they began to fall into a rage she moved away. Her distraction had worked. She just hoped it would buy them enough time to get away.



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    Take a sneak peek at my website in progress!


  Last Words (A zombie apocalypse survival diary, for your reading pleasure and future knowledge when they take over the world. Yes, I am the author.)



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