Nugget Progress

This is a Nugget and Me entry.

First, a new ticker!

It says: Just plump or pregnant? Other people are noticing and deciding whether to ask my Mommy this risky question. I’m 14 weeks old, only 182 days to go!

First of all, ummm, they have been asking me that for years. I be money nobody will dare ask me when I’m actually pregnant! lol.

anyway, it’s nice to be heading into that second trimester! wowza! I think the baby moved over too… eeeee!!!

Next order of business: I had crazy pregnancy dreams where the baby was bigger and just kicking and moving around such! I woke up wondering if it was reeeeeal.

It wasn’t.

I do feel the baby move from time to time, especially if I’m laying down and switch sides, I can feel something in there rolling around, adjusting itself. Little cute stinker bug.

I think I had something else to say, but it has completely alluded me.

So I guess that’s the end of this Nugget entry!


Oh yeah, I have a ticker. Look at that!



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        Humanity Scar   


 (A zombie apocalypse survival diary, for your reading pleasure and future knowledge when they take over the world. Yes, I am the author.)  

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February 8, 2012

My boss told me that I have a bump on Saturday. I’m only in week 10. xxxxxxxxxxx

February 8, 2012

When do we get to see a baby bump shot???? 🙂

February 8, 2012

Before long, your baby will be tenderizing your insides… and you’ll be like- Oh, I love you but for the love of Mommy’s sanity… let me sleep! 😀

February 8, 2012

14 weeks?! Slow down woman, I’m tryna catch up!

I started feeling little movements too but I didn’t realize that’s what they were. Just little flutters. Once I realized what they were I was so happy to know, because I passed it off as my body digesting food, ha! However the movements would happen way before eating or way after so it didn’t make a lot of sense. So happy you are feeling your little one, such a nice feeling 🙂

February 8, 2012

Aw cute little nugget! 🙂 Are the boys getting excited? or do they even realize how their lives are going to change? LOL

February 8, 2012

Squee! I love baby moves inside me. Felt my son moving from 10 Weeks on.

February 8, 2012

Seriously…do we get bump pics?? Huh, huh, huh!?!? <3

Boogy down little Nugget. Im ready for him to start dancing all over your uterus. Hehe…I referenced your uterus.

February 8, 2012

Hugs. That’s cute and sweet. Acknowledges the rest.

February 8, 2012

Yay! I like those tickers. I want one. And also a baby. But I can’t seem to get pregnant. Yet.