this human condition


Last night I laid awake for awhile staring at wierd light patterns on my wall. From the window. I heard wind whistling. I should have gotten up to close it completely, but I didn’t.

I’m… sad inside.

I don’t want to be.

I want to be calm. Or happy. I’d even settle for silly.

but right now it just feels ominous and pressing. I know that I shouldn’t be. I have plenty of things to be happy about.

Joyful even.


this human condition, this constant wanting for something that i don’t have. this desire to be just a little further down the path than i already am.

it’s tiring.

i wish to be free of this.


and yet…



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December 18, 2007

so true, we all want to be further along than we are or somewhere we aren’t yet… but how to get there isn’t always clear, not always easy and it’s easy to get distracted. :/

/huggles. You are awesome. i’m gonna send you happy and fuzzies. <3 Chris

December 18, 2007
December 18, 2007

I am right there with you girl.

December 18, 2007