tumbling out of my head


 A few things.

*Yesterday Jonathon tried to do a song and dance for the kids in his after school program. He got embarrassed (I don’t think he’s ever done anything like that before) and some kids laughed at him and booed at him and he cried. I feel really bad for him. He’s naturally outgoing and can make friends really quickly, but stuff like that can really impact a child. I didn’t know how to sooth him and I wonder if he’ll ever do anything in front of a large group of kids again.

I hate kids.
i wish I could be a super over protective mom and go crazy on the kids and their parents whent hey are mean to my kids. I haven’t done it… yet… but ohhhh let something happen!!!

I know I know, it’ll be horrifying for my children if I’m THAT MOM… but STILLLLL


*So, William’s mother gave the boys some money for Christmas. I bought them some books with it so that they can have some more presents under the tree. That brought up what the boys should call her. It would be weird for them to think of her as "Baboo’s Mom"…ya know? Baboo is so silly cuz he tells her "why dont’ they call you grandma!"




not gonna happen. It’s too soon. but even then, I think she should have a more distinct name because they called my bio-mom grandma.

He then sent out an email to both of us asking.

I’m like stuttering and not sure what to say. I figure Miss *first name* is good for now. Something else will come up maybe? I have no idea.



*I picked up Baboo’s present last night and I thought I was being sneaky going into my brothers room to hide it… EXCEPT HE WAS RIGHT THERE! damn him! I don’t think he saw it, but I know he thinks he knows what it is! boo! I hate people knowing their presents. He always wants to know. dummy.


*Baboo is sick right now and was up almost all night sniffing and snotting around. It made me sad. He’s gonna be exhausted and we have so much to do this weekend! We have to get the oil changed in my car and finish Christmas shopping and possibly wrap up gifts (I’m hiding them in my room, but we really don’t have a lot of hiding places!)… and laundry and cleaning and agady agady ag!!!!

*I’d kill for an orgasm and a nap right now.

I’ll get neither.


* I seriously need to dye my hair (maybe this weekend). I mean, the evil collective of grays are growing and are really noticeable now. I need a trim also… I might do that. My edges are just FRAZZLED and I don’t trust myself to snip them without looking ridiculous after. My hair has grown quite a bit and I don’t want to chop it ALL off, but it needs help… ugh.

Maybe I’ll just do highlights. Bleaching the grays should keep them without the gray longer… or not?

*speaking of gray. is it gray or grey?

WHATEVER. stupid spelling.

*I had some notes that maybe i"ve gained muscle. Well, unless you gain muscle by scurrying through stores or laying on your ass with gusto… i’m just still fat. I haven’t been eating a lot or really badly. I just think I need to actually do som cardio.

I haven’t been to the gym in MONTHS now. it’s sick.

so sick and wrong.

I want to do some DDR but I keep forgetting (so conveniently) to do it.


*We are going out for lunch AGAIN today.

Guess what I’m having?


I am going to have a cheeseburger.

a giant delicious one.

maybe with some bacon.

awwwwww yeah.


Is it bad that I didnt’ eat breakfast in anticipation?

it is bad, because it’ll all go to my butt. stupid giant butt.


but cheeseburgers are so damn good.

We are going to the Yardhouse. I love that place.

I really wanna go there with Baboo.

it’s like a beer heaven in there.

I can’t have a beer this after noon.

we should be leaving soon.


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December 17, 2009

i was going to say a spicy chicken bowl, lol!

December 17, 2009

Are you close to your period, you may be retaining water? Poor Jonathan, kids are such assholes sometimes. I was the fat kid in school so I feel him, aw.

December 17, 2009

My kids call Dolce’s parents grandma and grandpa but it felt right because they immediately took on and accepted that kind of role and my kids feel comfortable with it, too. I think that’s important, too. Once you know for sure that the adult wants and accepts that kind of responsibility (to not be going anywhere), then I guess it’s just up to the kids whether or not it feels right. ….

December 17, 2009

…It was really nice of her to give you more christmas money. That must feel good. And I hate kids, too. It just breaks my heart. There’s a kid at daycare that says mean things to Koen and I just want to kick his stupid little ass.

December 17, 2009

An orgasm and nap WOULD be good right now.. but don’t worry.. you aren’t the only one that’s not getting that right now. lol. I haven’t been to the gym either. After my trip.. It’s on. I need to get back in shape.

December 17, 2009

Miss ‘her name’ is fine. That’s what I always called my step-grands… or just their name sometimes, depending on their preference. And she’s an almost step-grand right? 😀

December 17, 2009

You should convince Jon to do a song and dance and let you video him and put it on Youtube or your diary or facebook… everyone would be all “That’s so AWESOME!” and it would boost his confidence. You could show him the comments.

December 17, 2009

Oh, Well! 🙂 Lol. This one stood out to me! You actually called Baboo by his real name! (I was waiting to see when you would or wouldn’t do that!) I guess the more closer and serious you’re getting the more it feels comfortable for ya eh! And yeah. About the gifts thing. I seem to mostly be the other way around now, where I mostly don’t want to know what I got for Christmas,

December 17, 2009

(or anything really), cause I don’t want the surprise to be ruined for me! The anticipation just really impacts ya! Hopefully Baboo, (or, William I shall say), will have the same type of reaction that you’re wanting from him! And, Ha! You changed your font back to the way mine is too! (It seems to be a catchy font!)

December 17, 2009

So Baboo’s real name is William? What do you call him to his face? It’s so weird cause for a year I’ve been reading “Baboo” and now you throw a William in there. I was all “Wait..what? Who the heck is William and why his his mother giving you money?”

Sooo…. is William Baboo? Sometimes I like to think his real name is Baboo, lol. And I like grey with an e, but I think it’s whatever you prefer.

Being a mom is so rough. You just want to protect them from everything… including other kids. *sighs*

December 17, 2009

mmm….cheeseburger!!!!!! ME WANT ME WANT!!!

The surprise is fun, but the act of trying to find out is the fun part as well. You gotta figure out what people are getting you to keep them on their toes.

December 17, 2009

Its both grey and gray. Its one of those words that actually have two correct spellings.

HA! cheeseburgers. i’m always reminded of this bit that my pal Tammy used to do where she would make fun of those 12 yr old girls on Maury Povich that would go on about how much they love having sex ect. it cracked me up so bad everytime! “i looooove sex. one time, i had sex for a cheeseburger! mmmmmmmmmmmmmhmmmmm.” LMFAO.

… or maybe it was the other way around… “i love cheeseburgers! one time, i had sex for a cheeseburger!” eh. either way, funny shit!

December 17, 2009

That is so cute about what your kids are to call people. I wanna give your boy a big hug…

I had a cheeseburger for lunch cause that is the last thing I read and I was all mmmmmmmmmmmmm.

December 17, 2009

I think you may have the most entries of anyone else here, lol.

I can has cheezburger? 🙂 Chris

December 17, 2009

My kids have like 50 grandma’s…we still haven’t figured out the names yet, lol.