If It Be Your Will

I’ve always been in love with you.

I took a really long shower tonight. I was cold, and it felt good. I ran the water until my fingertips got gooey, my toes went numb, and my water heater was sick of my shit.

This day feels like it has gone on forever. It didn’t go exactly as I had planned. My employee called me in to work because he hurt his shoulder. It was only 2 and half hours but felt like a lifetime. I’m getting complacent there again. I have this impending promotion lingering over my head, and yet it is just. out. of. my. reach.

Went out to dinner with Mike and a few of his friends, then dropped him off at the bar to mingle with some old high school friends. I couldn’t pretend to care. I needed some alone time, and I’m glad I took the opportunity instead of putting on a smile and making small talk with a bunch of people I couldn’t give two shits about. I hate small talk. Large talk too, really. I get high anxiety when I travel for work because who the hell knows who I’ll get stuck by on the plane.

Instead, I’m here. Listening to music (I have a really bomb ass playlist, albeit a little thought provoking) and still forcing myself to be ok with writing again. I have to remember that I can’t be afraid of my words. I once said I would write for me, and whether my words fell on deaf ears or annoyed the fuck out of someone I care about, they are still my words. My thoughts, and maybe even a bit of truth. I also decided to not fulfill my sober cab duties to stay home and drink. I must evaluate that. Perhaps I have an issue?

I stumbled across some pictures I took awhile ago. Awhile ago? Fuck, let’s be honest…..um, almost 5 years ago. Where did I go? Where did the woman you used to love and fantasize about go? Where did the woman that was comfortable with her body and sexuality go?


I’m sad because things have changed. I’m sad because they’ve stayed the same. I wonder where all my readers went. Their diaries, mostly gone, some forgotten. One unreachable. I wish they’d come back to share the way we were. Instead I reach out and try to gain some semblance of community again. Unbiased reaction to a biased world. I need it right now. I think I’ve almost forgotten how much I love this.

Do you think it’s dead??? ~Rocco

I think I covered about everything I needed to, save for a couple things that will have to go unsaid. It’s 12:30am and the rest of the world is ablaze with fire, glory, love, passion, fucking, hating, sickness, pleasure, blood, love, love, love. I’m alive and ablaze as well. Perhaps only with a mug of some knock off Bailey’s and an internet connection, but alive nonetheless.

Goodnight old friend. See you soon.


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January 15, 2011

Funny, just a few weeks ago I was thinking about that time at the sing along bar when we met and seeing your note brought a flood of memories. I know what you mean when you say where did they all go? How do I see them again and will I have to rebuild. New job it seems, no more in property mgt? What are you doing? You were gone but not forgotten and thank you for the note

January 15, 2011

OD does seem to do that, ebb and flow, and of course, over time, there are the honored dead.

ryn: I like you, thanks for the words.

January 16, 2011

ryn; No writing when inspired is like cheating, you have to grab the clay from the ether and make something in your likeness.(How’s that for nonsense?).

Your passion for words is really something else. I sometimes ask myself the same ?? about my sexuality. Just 6-7 years ago I was a nympho. Now, I whack off more than anything… Anyways, keep up your great writing. You have a “Super Fan” here!

I live in the Plymouth area. How bout you?? I haven’t figured out if I can just reply to your msg like an email or not…. Maybe with time I’ll wisen up!

January 19, 2011

Nothing is static…everything is constantly changing. Fighting the currents of the ocean will wear you down to nothing…the key is to move with them – to know when to drift, and know when to swim with them and let them carry you where you’re going with greater drive and purpose.