It’s Friday, I’m in Love

It isn’t Friday, and I’m not in love. But it is the song that is currently playing on the radio, and I always fuss at the end of my entries about the title, so I just thought I’d get that shit over with.

I owe Open Diary an entry. I’ve recently returned in search for some deeper meaning, and I’ve been reading plenty, but I haven’t written anything here worth reading for awhile. I don’t know if this will be it either, but maybe it’s a start.

I just feel like there as a big gaping hole in my mouth and nothing to fill it with.


I started writing this yesterday and then went off on a complete tangent that just went mind-fuckingly full circle so now I am back. With any luck I might complete this by Friday. 

I bought a pretty kick ass journal for 2013 that I think has an actual poem or maybe a love letter burned into the leather, but it is is written in French and I don’t speak French so I will have to get bored enough to Google translate it or just accept that I may never know whose words are enveloping mine. Que Sera.

I have now gone 350 hours without a cigarette. That sounds impressive but it is really just 2 weeks. It is just that every hour is killing me so each one that passes by gets marked by me like it is some sort of accomplishment. Shit, I’ve known people my age that haven’t smoked in 35 years! So there! What the fuck is my problem? But I did quit via the chilly fowl method and for that I am proud. I am not just supplementing my nicotine with nicotine.

Speaking of being chilly, and for those of you who don’t live in MN or haven’t been on Facebook today, I woke up and took the dogs outside and my phone said the wind chill was -31. So I said fuckall and sent the dogs to daycare, called in sick, and crawled back in bed. Who needs that? And for those of you who just figured out it is ‘wind chill’ and not ‘windshield’, you are welcome. Makes way more sense, doesn’t it?

I am addicted to the way Ziva on NCIS never uses contractions. They must not have contractions in Israel which makes me think they think we are raping our own language, and we probably are. So I made a resolution to stop using them. That is really super hard! I do better when speaking than writing because you have to consciously think about writing ‘Makes way more sense, does it not?’ than ‘Makes way more sense, doesn’t it?’ and well hell, guess which one is correct? Actually it is probably neither, I did not not take the time to prove or disprove my own hypothesis. I bet Sheldon Cooper doesn’t use contractions. Oh no, he does, I just totally played a scene in my head.

Well that is all I have folks. Does this mark my return? Who the hell knows and who the would care anyway? All my readers died in 2002.  If you liked this, go find me some new ones.


Log in to write a note

I happen to think 350 hours without a cigarette is pretty fucking impressive.

January 21, 2013

RYN: Ambiguities are fun. I like “He put the block on the table; becase it wasn’t level, it slid off.” Discerning the correct antecedents of the “it”‘s requires a little intuitive knowledge of everyday physics that a speech understanding program might not have. Davo

January 29, 2013

I think I will try to write an entry with no contractions. That sounds fun.

ryn: at some point i used the option to download my entire diary but it’s painfully slow and you can either do it into a single text file, which looks fucked up, or download 14 pages at a time into PDFs which I don’t have the patience for so to answer your question, yes, I do write in Word first, but that’s not to save them, that’s to keep me from throwing something through a window when I type anentry into the OD editor only to have it disappear when I press the button that’s supposed to make it post. I type in Word just to avoid that. I rarely save the Word document. Your point is a good one though. Someday OD is going to crash hard and for good and I’ll regret not having saved them so maybe I will. Ugh.

ryn: oh! i should have thought about that. Fluke would have been fun to read IN hawaii since that’s where it’s set! hope you had a great time!

ryn: dorkus = pork does, cork fuss, fork bus, quark dust, tork lust Do I get ten dollars for each? I could keep going. 😉

ryn: as a former hack poet, I can tell you unequivocally that it’s all about matching syllables not words. In order to keep the meter you have to have a two-syllable word or words–doesn’t matter which. but if you want to get technically, I would suggest: Porous, forest, nor’est

February 20, 2013

I have noticed that aliens (ones from other planets) generally do not use contractions either. I suppose it is a convention to imply that the alien learnt the language from a book rather than by conversation– or maybe just to make them sound more alien. > Sapiosexual Ah, thanks for the new (to me) word. I shall have to remember it. Yes, indeed, I know people that applies to (myself, to some extent) but I know those who have it worse (thank the gods for them, actually, as I sometimes pass for an intelligent person myself). Davo