Civil Discourse. Can we have it please?

I need to write something out of my system because it just happened and I can feel the emotional claws of upset raking through my heart and mind about it. I don’t want to live with that sensation all day so I am resorting to my number one emotional cleanser: writing.

Long story (kind of) short:

I replied to a Facebook post and immediately after I did someone else commented, aggressively, that I was a “liar” and continued to berate me in a very righteous, condescending manner (all for the fact that I didn’t provide a link to back up what I said). I knew what I said was not a lie, and I never intended to lie or have done so with any malicious intent.

Being the open minded person I am I thought, “Well, maybe I did say something incorrect? Let me re-read my post and see it through his eyes.” To their credit, I found, they were right in some of their accusations. I had indeed gotten my wires crossed and said some incorrect things, but not out of a place of deception, but out of simple confusion. I had confused what was being discussed in the post with something else very similar. It was a simple case of miscommunication and confusion, but instead of him calmly pointing out that I might be incorrect and then asking me for further clarification on my point, the first line in his comment was “YOU ARE A LIAR!”

Viscerally, immediately, I felt attacked. Being the sensitive lightning rod for human emotion that I am, I felt tears fill my eyes. I felt emotion swell up in me. Not out of anger. Not out of fear. I felt emotion come up in me from a place of sadness. There is so much anger in the world right now. So many people arguing and disagreeing and fighting and shouting. It’s all so much. To be reprimanded there on Facebook, so publicly, so brutally, for something I didn’t even do just reminded me of how prevalent a problem this is. People are so reactive and intense, for no need.

I re-read the post and then crafted my reply. I gently told him that this kind of emotionally intense, aggressive calling-out is adding to the problem, not solving it. If his issue with my post was that he wanted a link, why couldn’t have he just calmly asked for the link with some genuine curiosity? Even if he indeed thought I was lying, couldn’t he have calmly and civilly said something like “I’m sorry, I don’t think what you said is correct. Can you clarify or provide some links to validate your argument?”

I gave him credit where credit was due. I acknowledged the faults in my post. I re-worded and clarified the points that had been misinterpreted. I pointed out that on top of the simple mistakes I had made, there was also the issue of sarcasm being woefully misinterpreted via the written word. He had misinterpreted something I meant sarcastically as something intended seriously. This lack of understanding the humor plus my genuine mistake of speaking about the wrong thing had all led to his reaction.

I am sensitive to emotion, to words, to people, to the life around me, so this experience really rattled me. It rattled me that I had said something “incorrect”. It rattled me that my simple, honest mistake had been met with such malice. The tears that came to my eyes were tears of grief over the death of civil discourse in our society. “How are we to solve the problems in our world if this is how people choose to react and communicate?” I said to him as my final thought.

It’s so stupid, so petty that this is the kind of thing is going on in the world. Strangers lashing out at other strangers on line. I can guarantee that if that man and I were to meet in person and talk this out we would find common ground and likely have a great conversation, but there is something bleak, dark and almost evil about the anonymity of the internet that unleashes an unbridled rage in people. All I can do at this point is hope that he reads my answer, and the other people involved in that post see my response as well and appreciate that I genuinely made a mistake, to which I fully owned up to.

Being a lover of writing, of the beauty of words and communication, I want to be a pillar for a future of constructive, civil discourse. There are contrasting opinions and ever changing information in the world but there is no way we can navigate through it and find harmony unless we foster peaceful discussions. Wouldn’t it be beautiful to live in a world where people could disagree on big topics but still have respect for one another as human beings?

“I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to death your right to say it.” – That old quote needs to be the world’s national anthem right now.

If you have read this whole post and have similar story, or can relate to this experience, let me know what you think!

PS: I feel 150% better after writing this, thank you.

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September 20, 2020

So much anger on FB any more!

September 21, 2020

@kaliko Yes the anger is very dismaying, which is why I reacted and responded the way I did. People seem to think responding to anger with more anger will beat the issue to a conclusion but it’s like trying to put out a fire with lighter fluid. Thank you for reading and leaving a comment, I really appreciate it =) PS: I hope Jo is well xoxo

September 20, 2020

Being called a liar must have been painful especially because you are emotionally sensitive.  It sounds like your response was level headed, open, and honest.  That will make an impression on the person who attacked you and others who read the exchange.  I’m sorry this negativity came into your life.  I hope you are feeling better now.

September 21, 2020

@wildrose_2 Thank you for reading and leaving a comment =) The person who sent me that angry message responded by “liking” my reply haha. I was rather pleased when I saw that. I had expected a big long rant in response but I guess all that good energy I put into my post was received. I do feel much better after writing out this post. Writing always cleanses the Soul!

September 21, 2020

I applaud you for handing the situation with such dignity! Not many people (including myself) could have handled the situation in such a respectful manner. I tend to get angry and lash out if someone offends me. I’m trying to be better we’re all works in progress.

September 21, 2020

@dancingthrough Ditto! That calm, open-minded reply I sent to him was not just my organic way of being. I have had to train myself and really work on harnessing in my own anger and outrage before replying. This crazy year has been like a boot camp in effective communication, and I have put a lot of patience and curiosity into learning how to speak harmoniously with people. As you said, still a work in progress! Thanks for reading and commenting =)

September 21, 2020

I totally sympathize. I don’t even try to engage in online discussions anymore…and would’ve closed my facebook account if it weren’t for some very useful groups I’m a part of.

September 21, 2020

@majorlemon-lili Thank you for reading my post and commenting, I’m really grateful to all who do! I’m the same, I only keep my Facebook to stay connected to the positive groups I joined. The thing about this incident was that the person who attacked me with that comment was part of the same group as me! We had identical beliefs and opinions about all the topics being discussed, but they still went after me. That is something I forgot to mention when I wrote this yesterday, but it was a big factor in why I was so shaken by their aggression. Their response was so wild and unnecessary given the bare fact that we didn’t even have any clashing disagreement over the main subject being discussed. We were both members of that group for a reason, for a belief, yet he still went after me for a simple mistake as though I was some wildly opinionated outsider infiltrating the conversation with slanderous misinformation and deceit. That being said, that person gave my response a simple thumbs up “Like” and didn’t continue to fight or defend so I am happy enough with the outcome of the whole ordeal. Anyways, all in all it was a another lesson in human communication and I am almost grateful it happened because I got something out of it =)

September 24, 2020

I’m glad you wrote this, and I can certainly see why you had such an emotional reaction.  It’s so  hard for me to fathom that kind of anger.  You certainly did the right thing in clarifying and explaining your position.  In turn, this individual who attacked you should have apologized after reading your remarks, or even before you posted any reply at all.  His original response to you was uncouth and uncalled for.

You have made some excellent points In this retry about the need for civil discourse.  In a more evolved and enlightened society/civilization that type of outburst and accusation you encountered would never have occurred.



September 24, 2020

@oswego Thank you for reading and commenting! The person responded by simply giving my reply a thumbs up “Like”, which I took happily because I wasn’t expecting even that degree of civility in response. I expected a full fledged attack, but he surprised me with a simple gesture of acknowledgment. Good enough for me!

Civil Discourse should be taught in every grade in every school across the globe. Debate Club participation should be mandatory in order for children to learn how to effectively communicate from a young age, utilizing said civil discourse. Alas, the establishments do no want our children intelligent, they want them obedient.