
Time seems to have flown by since i last wrote. Alot has went on hope i can remember it all.. I will start with my home life… Things have really calmed down . For a few days anyways.. I have decided to try and lose weight.. I will not go low carb this time.. Don’t get me wrong i lost 70 pounds on the South Beach Diet… However when i allowed my self a cheat i never was able to go back. I have gained all that weight back. The sad part is i was within 10 to 15 pounds of my goal… I looked great, felt great… Well right now i don’t think i look so great , and i feel like shit.. So anyhow i decided to just try to eat the fruit and veggies and all that healthy stuff … But i got to be able to have the rest in moderation as well..I can’t go a year without a potato again. Or pasta. Or sweets… It worked but is not something i can live with long term..I never had a weight problem til i quit smoking.. And i really don’t want to be a yo-yo dieter. So i have to get it right this time…I guess i just have to want it bad enough.. I hope i do… I have just been hating myself. Refusing to buy clothes , or anything i might need cause i went and got fat. My punishment to myself is to look like a bum i guess.. I have a weekend getaway in oct and i would like to have lost maybe 10 pounds by then.They say admitting your problem is the first step. I got no problem admitting it, so lets get it on. Well i am going to try anyways. I can’t go on hating myself in this way it’s just not healthy.. I can’t go on looking like a bum , it’s quite embarassing. For me and whoever might be with me i am sure. So i went to wal-mart and stocked up on fruit and salad and veggies. Along with some better snacks. yogurt,  stuff like that.. Enough about that for now.. 

I am a soap opera watcher and let me tell you it has been hard to drag myself away lately.. You know what i mean if you are also a soap watcher, sometimes your shows are hot , sometimes not… Well I watch ABC soaps , and i have storys in all three i am interested in right now. AMC – Omg why are they letting this happen to Lily.. Wtf… I am liking Erika having a son. OLTL- I am liking all of the spencer vs todd stuff and anything that goes along with it.. I like the mystery of it, you never know what is around the corner. I am liking Dorian being in jail. I think that the baby marcy and michael are trying to adopt is really Todd’s … GH- I Am not sure what i like about this one right now.  I am liking the new Carly, I am liking the Pregnancy story lines, By the way i also think Sam is pregnant. I think she will try to pass it off as jason’s to try and keep it from her mother.. that it is really rick’s… 

I am reading an ok book right now called Death Match.. Not the best i have read but it is ok.. Getting sort of juicy where i am in it right now… probably finish it off tomorrow. I cought up on all my taped shows. I taped a show called Men in Trees, it was cute i will watch again. I got all caught up on Prison Break. All my Food Network shows, to many to name..One more week til Grey’s  i can’t wait!!!!

Work has been so = so.. I was so excited that "S" was gone well guess what folks she is BACK… WTF.. "S" called the manager a punk ass bitch and walked out on a lunch shift, and she gets hired back.. She had only been there two weeks or so and let me tell you folks she SUCKS.."C" has also been getting on my nerves at work. She bitches all day long. I know sometimes it sucks but really just shut the fuck up and do your job… Don’t get me wrong  i occasionally bitch, but not all day every day.. I told her as much.. Me and "C" are going to have lunch with "K"  tomorrow. Should be fun..Usually is…I just hope it doesn’t last too long ,i have alot to do tomorrow… And i like to go to bed early when i do a 10-10. So tomorrow i hope to have everything done and be kicked back by 8 ish and go to bed any time i want after that..

Someone accessed my e-bay account and listed a car for sale.. I think i wrote about that, well they have struck again , i think.. I got an e-mail from a e-bay member saying that they had just paid me thru pay-pal when do i get my laptop. WTF.  I don’t know what to do , i tried to find this member and there really is no one by that name. I checked out my account and it didn’t say i had sold anything nor got any money. It is making me want to cancel my account alltogether. Which sort of sucks i have found some good deals on e-bay.

I want to close by saying that i am deeply sadded to learn of the death of Daniel Smith, Anna Nicole my thoughts and prayers are with you , Love, C  


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