
Nothing really exciting going on in my life right  now. Well actually, I was written up at work for allegedly having lunch with someone’s husband. He asked me for directions and since I was on my lunch break I walked him to his destination. Well I guess someone saw us because I was in the office on Monday morning. On top of that I was written up for not performing my job duties but sorry to say, 3 months on the job and not seeing my job description, how am I to know what it is I am to do?
I’m really so fed up.  I

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July 3, 2006

You’re going to publish them?:S

July 3, 2006

I’d like to draw your attention to my front page. you’ll find it interesting.

July 19, 2006

Well, that does sound a bit unfair…

August 22, 2006

….you haven’t written in a while….-