Dear Baby Me, Child Me, “mini me” Part 2.

My therapist told me to write my young self a letter. here is part 2 of possible several. 

*Other readers*

I do not care about your judgements or maybe I will, but still here goes.





It’s time to go back to Collins Crescent briefly.

Damian of Collins crescent was one of the big kids, he lived directly across the road, the whole street thought he was cool, he was the teenager, most of us were all under 10, but I was the coolest as he wanted to be special friends with me.

He took me on walks, dinked me on his bike to the park, took me down to the creek to swim, and we had fun! I remember I was the coolest in the street because I was cool enough to hang out with Damien.

But years later I remembered when Damien used to take me to the creek, he would take my pants off and his too, he would make me touch him, make mine touch his, rub them together until he had enough. But then we got to go swimming, that was fun.

I can’t remember how many times we had our special swimming trips, but it was nearly every weekend, the swimming was fun, but if it was raining, he had all the computer games too, and I got invited to his house after school too! That was so cool…. I had to “help” him with things first but as a reward I got to play computer games with him, and his mum would make us dinner.


So back to Dad, Josh and Lisa moving to Australia, we drove with them to the airport it felt like it took forever, I know now that it was about a four-hour trip. I don’t remember anything about the drive at all, or the airport at all. Just mum throwing herself on the ground crying as the plane flew away and in turn I cried too, my little brother and sister were gone my Dad was gone and they left me behind. Did I do something wrong? Was I to naughty? I know Dad said he didn’t want Mum to lose another twin, but what did I do wrong…


When we got back to home, we went to Mum’s house, she was now living with her new boyfriend Danny, he was an odd looking fellow, he was really really tall, bright red hair and glasses, he had a big German Sheppard called boy. He had a flash house too it was only a few doors away from the dairy (corner store)

Danny seemed like a nice man, Mum and him had fun, Mum and Danny had a baby, we had our first half sibling her name is Danielle, no surprise she has bright red hair too.

Danny and Mum used to fight sometimes and I remember one time when they had such a big fight that I got so scared when he was pushing Mum that I bit his arm as hard as I could; and when I got pushed away I landed across the room.

I quickly called Aunty Elaine, she sent her husband Uncle Joe over to get met, he is a big islander and I went and stayed at Grand Dads house for a few days.

Grand Dad was/is one of my greatest heroes, be sure mini-me to spend as much time as you can with him, the man is amazing and has all the time in the world for you.

Dad used to ring from Australia some Sundays to talk to me, it was nice, somehow he would always call when I was doing my chores, around the time I started the lawn mower somehow Dad would call. I don’t remember at all what we talked about or how long for, or if we spoke to Lisa and Josh but he did call.

I remember that house wasn’t to bad it had its moments, I looked after our little sister when I wasn’t at school, often I didn’t even care about going to school. Danny tried to scare me once to be a good boy by pointing one of his guns at me and telling me off, but Mum yelled at him and they had another big fight.

I thought his guns were cool, again it wasn’t until years later I realized how fucked up that was, pointing a shotgun at an 11 year old, what a wanker…

I was not the best kid after Dad left, often skipping school and going to town and five finger discounting my way through life. We got into a bit of trouble for this and I think that’s when Mum made the decision she couldn’t look after us, So a ticket came in the mail and I we were going to Australia too.


So the big day came, a flight to Australia, it was strange no one at home talked for a few days before, I don’t remember any of my family or cousins coming to visit, they probably did, but I don’t remember.

I remember one of the ladies from the plane collected me and took me on earlier than everyone else, I got to meet the pilots in the cockpit that was really cool! They made sure I was ok every time the walked past.

They even let me drive my remote control car up and down the plane and they gave me so many snacks I was really looked after.

We arrived in Australia February 1994, Dad was waiting at the gate for us, he took us straight to Aunty Pepe’s house. She was one of the best Aunties in the world, mini me, once again spend time with her, enjoy the amazing experiences she takes you on and the stories and lessons she has. Before you know it she’ll be gone and you will miss her more than you will imagine.

More to come.  – 01:21 4/12/21

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