Tarot Cards

I am sure that my tarot cards

smiled at me. I am sure that

they heard my single question:

"tell me the truth" and rushed

out into the great unknown void

of future on scouting missions

to asertain the liklihood of

happiness for me.

My friend read them for me,

she placed them on a black 

velvet card-map and sprinkled

little coloured crystals all

around so that it looked 

like a fortune tellers table. And 

then she read my cards which 

made me wonder and that in

itself was enough. It is great to wonder,

like a child, at the 

sheer magnitude of life and

possibility and everything under

the sun which we do not see, 

Except in those late night

moments when the stars 

do seem to twinkle and the

moon just hangs there,

waiting for us to look away 

and back down. Eternally present;

eternally knowing. 


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