Am I really the bad person here?

My friend, who I’ll call Peach, accused me of snitching to our school counselor about an illegal thing she’d done. Obviously, I would never, even though I’m aware of my reputation as someone who spreads “drama”, which is really just high school gossip, I’d never say anything about something this serious to a school counselor out of all people.

To give you some context, I’ve been focusing on myself these past three weeks cause I was on the verge of getting kicked off school, so I told Peach about this, and about the meeting I had with my mom and my teachers. I told her “this is some serious shit bro, I need to study a loooot and you’re a distraction (truth be told any human being with a pulse is a distraction for me, I can’t help but talk, which is probably why I’m even here sharing this, anyways she got hurt by these words), so I’m not gonna hang out as much so this is goodbye (is said that jokingly ofc, people say I’m quite sarcastic, idk if I have the right to describe myself that way, I do joke a lot tho, idk why I have the inability to be serious)”. Great, she got the message, and said, “yeah and I support you, please tell me if there are any assignments I can help with”. Two weeks go by, I didn’t talk to anyone, I was basically friendless, then one day we talk on the phone, I don’t remember who called first but we discussed the fact that me calling Peach a distraction was hurtful, (i talked to my mom about this too, she said I should’ve used better words) ok maybe it was, I was just being honest but whatever, I mean it’s not like she doesn’t know what kind of person I am but I know that she definitely doesn’t like my way of existing in this world. I apologize bla bla, knowing fairly well that she had told a mutual friend, maybe even other mutual friends that I’m selfish and probably other negative adjectives. the message here being, SHE DOES NOT LIKE ME.

Now I am withholding information, cause this far there’s no reason for you to think I’m selfish right? Something happened about maybe 3 months ago,  regarding the mutual friend. Idk if I should write about that right now., but I will.

I just want someone’s opinion on this, am I a bad person? Cause there are things I’ve done, like lying about taking to the mutual friend who I’ll name, hm, Jenny, yeah. But I only lied cause I knew Peach would get upset (this is a long story, I apologize), lying about smth else which I didn’t reaaaally lie about but I see what she meant (also for another time). Idk I’m tired, I want to focus on my well-being but she always, Always, makes me feel bad,  like I have to feel guilty of smth just cause she doesn’t approve and sees it as a wrong thing to do. She is so fricking (I’m not 12, I promise) sensitive, and she did lose other friends cause of the same reason. I know what I’ve done and what I haven’t and she doesn’t seem to trust me and I’m honestly done trying to prove myself to someone I’m not even sure I like or value anymore.

To conclude, I’d appreciate some sort of opinion, good, bad, mediocre, I’ll take whatever. That sounds desperate, but I need outside perspective from total strangers.

Thank you for reading if you did and I’ll see you when my next mini-breakdown happens.

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Get rid of the toxic friend whether that be Peach or Jenny… or both. Y’all don’t need that crap.

June 1, 2022

A true friend would would  help you elevate your well being and help you to achieve your best self. It seems like you have a lot of doubts about her already and walking on egg shells around her. Focusing on yourself and building yourself up and focusing on getting on track at school is the way to go.

June 1, 2022

Clean up your act. Remove your toxic friends. Focus on school and graduate. This little life you have right now is nothing compared to the rest of your life.