Please quit thanking me

The craziest think about the people who keep doing that is that they get mad at me when I say no thank you for your thank you.

THEY GET MAD AT ME.  Like they tell me to just leave the fucking country I fought for, that I missed my kid’s childhood for, that I wasted several marriages on.  They get mad at me, like it is my fault they let their country go to shit while I was getting shot at.  But it wasn’t a waste of my life, see?

I got skills, I got paid, I saw the world, I saw how we treat the world.  I evolved.

I should thank you.

Log in to write a note
January 14, 2022

Ignore them. *hugs*

January 14, 2022


While I appreciate your perceived intention, that of comfort, since I accepted your friend request you will see that comfort is an obstacle I surmounted long ago, with glee.

The worst thing about turning the other cheek is that it makes it likely we will ALSO LOOK AWAY.  It is a gloriously difficult but High Payoff task (Focus) to face straight forward, even while offering a shoulder, an ear, or a turned cheek, all while keeping our eyes on the Path.

January 14, 2022

PS ***hugs*** are always welcome.

Would that we were more like the glorious Bonobo than the lowly Chimp.  This is the difference between Dominator culture and Cooperation.  Bonobos usually have an orgy when they meet a new tribe.  Chimps fight and eat the dead

January 14, 2022

@cygnusx-1 Comfort is something I constantly look for but almost never find. :/

January 14, 2022

@cygnusx-1 Chimpanzees know best.

January 14, 2022

@juliebear You will need to be ok with my direct assessment of your notes, if you want to be my ‘friend’ on here.  It is the requirement for access to less public writings, which is what that ‘friendship’ does here, agreed?

As such, I gotta request you unpack that last thing you said there, given what it was in reference to.  Do you understand what I mean by that?  Go into detail, go deeper into your thought process that you share, and share that.

January 14, 2022

@cygnusx-1 Yes. OK. You are confusing me a bit. 🙁

January 14, 2022

{ Why do you think that chimpanzees know best,
Why did you think that fighting and eating the dead is best,
Why did you think that was a good thing to write?}