That time of year

When I moved to New England the primary care physician I ended up with on my insurance from  work actually has taken the time to give me full, age-appropriate physical exams and she’s getting me caught up on preventative care.  I had my first colonoscopy in almost 30 years last year and they found 8 or 9 polyps that fortunately all came back negative.  Still, after last year’s harvest they scheduled me for another one this year.  I took the day off for the colonoscopy on Wednesday plus a day off on Tuesday when I’m prepping.  This doctor prefers a somewhat old-fashioned method of prepping, laxatives combined with LOTS of the clear or light colored Gatorade to flush while keeping me hydrated and my electrolytes somewhat balanced.  Even so I had a fainting episode last year while prepping and they had a very hard time finding a vein for the anesthetic so I’m really not looking forward to repeating the process this year.

Getting older sucks but it does beat the alternative.

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