My Book’s Release Date is Nov 30!
Okay, so this week has been a whirlwind of marketing preparations. The book has been available for pre-order on Kindle since last week, but I think most of my readers prefer physical, tangible paperbacks.
There has been so much to do and with getting ready for a Kindle release on Saturday and then the paperback release on Amazon on Dec 3rd, and getting everything prepared to deal with bookstores in January, uploading to the distributor, preparing for the advance catalogue, working and reworking the marketing budget, etc…and then this evening with a call from the boss that part of the recent big project that was completed just before I wrote this book “came back” and so we have to go through endless meetings again on that, scheduling appointments (the first being on the day of my Kindle release!!!) , so that is kind of a headache. But not much I can do about that.
Even before we got word that we have to redo that specific section of project, I’ve been working around the clock, all day from the time I wake up until I go to bed around 2 am. This morning I woke up at 4 am, worked on a marketing budget until around 7 a.m. and then slept until 11 a.m. My schedule is all messed up and I’ve been living and breathing this book for the past while. (It’s all a blur so I can’t tell you how long of a while lol). But, I’m glad that in my final revision, I got it to 50,000 words and by the final revision, the book was perfect (imho).
Tomorrow I have to finishing prepping the ads and other marketing content, some of which will be released, but the major promo is going out on Dec 3rd. At least the biggest thing is finished before I have to get back into that headachey project. The book is finished, published, and about to be released! So, things worked out well. Even the disasters worked out to my benefit. (Indesign crashed and took my entire formatted novel with it, but I’d already had the pdf rendered, so I didn’t care much. Until I found out I didn’t have it formatted to the correct size–at least the size I wanted–and so I had to go with the actual publication of the size I did not want–which turns out to be the exact size that bookstores want. Happy accidents!
Anway, if anyone wants to check out my book, it is available for preorder right now on Amazon and the Kindle version is live on Nov 30th, and paperback live on Dec 3rd, and bookstores and libraries in January.