Seems like everyone takes things way over the top nowadays

Ok so there is this story about a guy who is an attorney or something like that who said some bad things (racial slurs about Spanish people I think) and even though he apologized they went and protested near where he lives and even had a Spanish band or something like that play near his place of residence. Isn’t that going a little overboard? I was called names every day in high school. I guess I should have sent the marching band to the offenders homes. I was in color guard, so that would have been a sight to see! At any rate, the way people react to bullying is so different nowadays. The guy in the story I was just talking about did apologize, but they still continued to make a huge thing out of it…sometimes that makes them no better than the offending person. Any thoughts on this guys?

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May 21, 2018

That is a good point. Public shaming is just another over the top form of bullying; the guy’s career is probably already taking a hit due to what he said regardless of if he apologized. That seems like fit punishment.

May 21, 2018

There are no less than four videos (homemade with peoples’ cellphones) available of this attorney going apeshit being a racist ass. Four different times. In public. That sort of record of appalling behavior is not excused by apologies.

May 21, 2018

Honestly, that would have been a sight to see, lol.  I don’t think we should accept bullying , nor do I feel bad for this guy. My question is, “Was he sincere?”, is he changing his ways?  I don’t think that protesting near his house will change him, but I don’t think the protesters are just as bad as he is, either.

May 21, 2018

I don’t know this situation, I don’t know if he was sincere, but I feel like people can make positive change without resorting to extreme behavior in which they go beyond calling someone on their actions and making them accountable. I also feel like this behavior of “protesting” becomes less and less about standing up for what’s right and calling for justice, the more it becomes about everyone all over banning together to publically shame someone. It collects people not even interested in the cause but just wanting to be social justice warriors and has them gang up on someone who yes probably has done something terrible, but it’s never just them these bandwagons hurt. It’s always their families, their children, their friends, anyone who’s ever had anything to do with them… And it always goes too far.

These people who said some racial slurs or went off on racial rants or whatever they did (Which is terrible and often unacceptable) end up not only getting them fired which is fine, but also devastating everything in their lives including innocents. They get death threats, stalkers, and normal people you would think of as good people end up saying and approving of horrible actions taken against them all in the name of mob mentality justice.

The end results always seems so much sadder or just as sad as whatever they did…to bring “justice” of the mob upon them :/

May 22, 2018

@silversatan This is everything I was trying to say! Thank you!

May 22, 2018

@emberlore <3 Thank you for writing about the topic!

May 22, 2018

@silversatan I was honestly afraid to at first but I have received some very honest and thoughtful replies.


May 22, 2018

@emberlore Yeah I applaud you for taking that leap, we live in a really impulsive culture, so I can see why you might have been nervous posting anything let alone something others might take as an unpopular opinion.

May 22, 2018

@silversatan I was torn apart by my sister for liking pages about Racism on Facebook. She actually ostracized  me for a while all because of a like on a Facebook page. One reason why I don’t write much there anymore. People take stuff so literally.

May 22, 2018

He threatened them with I.C.E. simply for speaking Spanish. He supports Nazi groups. He is rather notorious for his racial hate. He lost his office space for the abuse he unleashed on the people speaking Spanish. I applaud all efforts to out him and to make his life as ugly as he would make theirs.

May 22, 2018

@snarkle Thanks for letting me know, I was only seeing bits and pieces of the story on my local news.

May 22, 2018

@emberlore just takes a web search. I google everything. He’s quite well known as a scumbag. He is Jewish but he puts other Jews down because they are not Jewish enough or not real. He’s a piece of work.

May 22, 2018

he’s vile racist scum, he’s a nazi and spreads hate. He threatened to call I.C.E on these people for speaking spanish, which is stupid because English is not the official language of the U.S.A. and he being an attorney should know this but he’s just being racist.

he has no business being an attorney, he probably would not even take people of color as clients if you ask me, he deserves whatever he gets for his atrocious behavior.