The universe is so big

Yesterday I was looking at a video of space on a friends facebook page and it made me realize that we are just small specks on the map compared to what is out there. I felt so guilty for worrying about my little problems like leg cramps or stuff my sister said to me 20 years ago, or having a problem with someone in traffic last week (That’s a long story for another entry)

There is just so much to think about. Dealing with everyone else’s emotions and my own every day. Being expected to know what everyone else is going through. Last time I checked, I don’t read minds. Being expected to know what I am going to be doing ten years from now. I can’t even picture getting out of bed every single day, let alone knowing what I am going to do with my future. (My family gets on me to plan a future sometimes. I know that my job won’t last forever.) Why does everything get dumped on me? I am just a human being. How do I deal with all of this?

This is not intended to sound like I am feeling sorry for myself. It is just things I think about daily. It is not meant to sound melancholy either, everything is fine. I am sure that we all think of these things once in a while. Just some random morning thoughts I wanted to get down before they escape me.

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May 20, 2018

I’ve come to understand better the saying that we are all spiritual beings having human experiences.  Whatever thoughts roll through your mind are valid and you’re totally allowed to have them.  Accepting that you’re allowed is one way of dealing with them.

May 20, 2018

p.s. The Universe is Yours to explore!! Have fun:))

May 20, 2018

@teamarea It’s so refreshing to hear some positive words from someone I don’t know. Why can’t my family do the same!

May 20, 2018


When it comes to family, I try to remember that they are all walking their own paths, making their own choices in their own lives.  I am only responsible for mine.  I call it detached loving, and it takes practice hahahahaha

May 20, 2018

Live in the moment, don’t worry about a past that you cannot change, and NEVER give a damn about anyone’s opinion.

May 20, 2018

The job you have right now must be something you want and can do. I know when you are ready and you can get a job that falls into your lap you will take it.  Everything has to do with Timing.  When the time is right for you then you will react.

May 20, 2018

Don’t let family get you down. You know what is best for you.