Missing Myself

In a world where Waldo finds himself, I’m lost

Beneath trees of fire and frost

Head banging on memory’s door

My marbles strewn across the floor

Lungs full of tar and smoke

Sometimes a girl just needs to croak


I’m so spoiled
I love all my stuff
I have everything I need
a bunch of zero friends
and stuff
I eat more than my feelings
and I’m loved
so much
and stuff

I’m so in love with


I’m thriving
trash talking
so glad to meat

Paws for flaws
Talons for claws
a beak to speak
where ears
should never

Babies cry- people run
Adults cry- people make fun
Lose yourself to a mask
Set yourself up
for an unbeatable task
Sleep alone, turn off the phone
you’re not perfect but
they are
fallen stars burning the earth
you’re just the dust from the afterbirth

My inner child is drowning
on a raft made of fire
she meets me between
lines of fear and debris
sprinkles love like fairy dust
friends are friends as long as they benefit
we reap what we sow
but everyone is counterfeit

My roommate at the mental hospital was the shit
She’s someone I’ll actually miss
I also reflect on the guy in the courtyard
He called himself a prince
he did elaborate moves of fitness with
dance-like swiftness
we played and prayed together,
but were told we couldn’t touch hands
His mom sends him away
whenever she can
the three of us watched the birds above
talked about superpowers
soaked in the whimsy
I went back home
I became a wall
flower power

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June 20, 2018

Welcome to Open Diary! I like your poetry, it’s very powerful.

June 20, 2018

@thediarymaster Thank you! I wasn’t expecting to get a note from the master of the diary! lol I appreciate it.

June 20, 2018

This is powerful I agree. Thank you for posting.