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May 4, 2012

Oh, thanks for this video. I’ve been dying to make my own hummus and I love sriacha in things. It’s better than your average hot sauce. I like healthy recipes.

May 4, 2012

ryn: I got it and I missed it. Sorry, EWS, you sent in on May 2 and I missed it. I know how paypal receipts work, but is helpdesk@opendiary.com the right email to forward the receipt to? I’ll send it there and check back tomorrow.

May 4, 2012

thank you (((hugs!)))

Love hummus and will try this recipe. I really need a food processor, you’re right blenders are difficult. Sriracha sounds like the ticket to a good pepper hummus. Thanks. BTW, kinda cool to see you in the kitchen being serious and all that jazz. 🙂

http://www.opendiary.com/entryview.asp?authorcode=D798894&entry=10107 Is that what OD calls customer support/service???

May 9, 2012

I’d never heard of hummas til I started college (7 years ago). My roommate got me hooked on it

May 9, 2012

Your video is awesome. I am going to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing.