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She’s not that drunk if she didn’t fall off those shoes. =)

It is a shame she is such a wall flower. 🙂

I have the same shower curtain and Q-Tips. How creepy is that?

RYN: I did not create that entry for the “sake” of anything. And it did not create an online argument. Who’s arguing? But thank you for censoring my post anyway!

Is joining od+ still an option? who does the money go to?

January 10, 2013

Hey Eric! Surprise, surprise!! Been a long time, back to Runescape days 🙂 (And, the first thing I looked for, was Linda..LMAO…was actually good to see her, so not too much has changed..other than a new job here) Back to OD, I could not get a picture off of the picture place (senior moment) its the usual picture place..also, can I have 2 diaries?